Example sentences of "[noun] in every corner of " in BNC.

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1 On our own Stock Exchange the shares of Deutsche Bank , with its tentacles in every corner of Euro-business , have doubled this year and climbed more than 10 per cent in one trading day this week .
2 The hon. Gentleman can be absolutely certain that we agree that the measures proposed by Mr. MacSharry are to the detriment of his farmers and farmers in every corner of the United Kingdom .
3 We have made visits to actuarial societies in every corner of the globe and received many overseas visitors and we were struck by the similarity of the issues we face .
4 There 's something under threat in every corner of the globe and the programme sets out to list what 's dying out where .
5 To confirm her assertion that there are radicals and revolutionaries in every corner of contemporary social life who are campaigning to overthrow the ‘ traditional ’ moral order , Mrs Whitehouse reels off a formidable list of ‘ folk devils ’ .
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