Example sentences of "[noun] of anxiety [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Everything went to plan in the opening stages with the Republic piling forward and causing all sorts of anxiety in the Lithuanian defence .
2 This causes a great deal of anxiety for the parents of a girl child , for they start immediately after her puberty to worry about her marriage if she is not already married .
3 Indeed , by the outbreak of World War II , there is considerable evidence that working class families were not responding to the call by the Royal Commission on Population and policy makers for larger families ( a result of anxiety regarding the dramatic decline in the birth rate during the 1930s ) .
4 Effectively , every time the client takes another step on the ladder this becomes the bottom step , only approximately ten units of anxiety off the ground .
5 Although it had become easier for some middle-class men ( or their sons ) to earn membership of the national ruling culture by Edwardian times , their status as true " gentlemen " remained equivocal in an atmosphere of continued mistrust of the business community , albeit tempered by outbreaks of anxiety over the volatility of the lower orders which it was felt the task of their middle-class superiors to defuse .
6 THE Prince and Princess of Wales showed no signs of anxiety over the blanket coverage of their alleged marriage problems as their hectic schedule of engagements continued in South Korea .
7 They showed no signs of anxiety over the coverage of their alleged marriage problems as their hectic schedule of engagements continued in South Korea .
8 In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the fabric of mid-Victorian hegemony was shattered by a series of structural contradictions , from economic retardation and industrial unrest , to growing socialist and feminist political militancy and intensification of anxiety over a whole range of social issues .
9 This belief may serve to minimize and underestimate the experience of anxiety in the eyes of the referring agent and the client , the latter becoming quickly dispirited , losing faith in themselves , the specific technique , or the skill of the therapist .
10 ‘ We are aware there is a degree of anxiety among the public and so we have taken steps not only to contact those people concerned but to set up a helpline so any member of the public can ring in and have private counselling . ’
11 Now let us consider three different conditions each representing a different degree of anxiety within the same task .
12 Although she has been teaching now for some eight years , on and off , although she enjoys it , feels she is good at it , and would like to go on doing it for the rest of her life if possible , she always feels a twinge of anxiety at the beginning of a new term .
13 The person who is terrified of storms , while restraining him or herself from hiding in the hall cupboard , will still give off an aura of anxiety to a child who will then come automatically to associate fear with the sound of thunder .
14 Wakefulness at this time of day is notoriously unsettling : in London it brings balls of anxiety to the gut as the sodden city outside sneers at the sleepless .
15 The decision follows years of anxiety about the high levels of respiratory illnesses in the area .
16 All the ingredients needed to revivify an ailing research enterprise were on hand : a hefty portion of anxiety over an enigmatic public health problem , seasoned with a dash of desperation over coming cuts in the budgets of NIH 's seven primate research centres .
17 . All the ingredients needed to revivify an ailing research enterprise were on hand : a hefty portion of anxiety over an enigmatic public health problem , seasoned with a dash of desperation over coming cuts in the budgets of NIH 's seven primate research centres …
18 Since his ordeal began two years ago , Mr Greenway has shown little sign of anxiety over the case .
19 The reports of the Bavarian Government Presidents all record the resounding impact of the speech — one called it ‘ mighty ’ , another ‘ epoch-making ’ — but interpreted this solely in terms of anxiety about an imminent war being eased by Hitler 's emphasis on his desire for peace .
20 The Moscow conference of American , British and Russian foreign ministers met in December 1945 against a sombre background of anxiety at the deterioration of relations between the powers since the end of the European War .
21 There has been a lot of anxiety about the issue since the major blast in the City of London in April , but we are happy to confirm that booksellers who are members of the BA scheme are covered .
22 He had not a quiver of anxiety over the business of the letters .
23 Conservative MP Quentin Davies sent a shiver of anxiety through the trade last week when , speaking during a Commons debate on the Finance ( No 2 ) Bill , he urged the government to extend VAT to books and other zero-rated goods .
24 Discussion of work by Hugh Latimer and The Tempest considers the managing of anxiety by the state as a means of shaping and fashioning behaviour .
25 Substitute anxiety in the spectator , he wrote , brought about by nothing other than the apparent lack of anxiety in the image .
26 As we saw , in the early phase of psychoanalysis , before World War One , when it was dominated by the view of Freud and in the eighteen nineties , and when psychoanalysis was mainly id analysis , and concerned with the unconscious , Freud took the view of anxiety as a pathological transformation of the libido .
27 Of course , if you take the Freudian view of anxiety as a danger signal in the , in the ego , that , that makes sense .
28 There has been an undercurrent of anxiety about the hospitals for many years and lip service has been paid to the idea of replacing them with community hostels .
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