Example sentences of "[noun] of control over [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If it is seen as part of control over quality of education , the parent might ask why the child should be given access at all .
2 Also taken from Paracelsus was the idea that the new science and medicine were biblically sanctioned and destined to attain a new level of control over nature .
3 It can be seen that there is a wide range of statutory and semi-public bodies exercising a variety of controls over development in particular areas of the countryside .
4 Whether this has serious implications for the efficiency of large companies depends on the effectiveness of other forms of control over management , and on the prior question of the intensity of non-profit motivations .
5 It has been argued that forms of control over state enterprises are inherently problematic .
6 Agencies are not , however , without various strategies of control over field staff ( ch. 4 , s. ii ) .
7 Their agreement was the first based on profit-sharing as well as retention of copyright , which gave him a large measure of control over publication and future working of the copyrights .
8 The state was forced to assume some measure of control over distribution of food and levels of profits , and thus intervene in the market .
9 But labour has consequences for consciousness in that rules for instrumental action are developed which enable the subject to have a measure of control over nature through the use of tools .
10 Some have a macro-perspective : the national-international dimension of control over health care .
11 The political dimension of control over health and health care is inescapable .
12 The easiest way to exercise this type of control over index terms is to list or store the acceptable terms in a vocabulary .
13 Yet the tsar replaced Putiatin with Golovnin , appointed a commission which " conducted the most extensive investigation into the idea of a Russian university ever undertaken by the old regime " , took advice even from the liberal Professor Kavelin , and introduced a law which improved the funding of universities , gave professors a large degree of control over university affairs , maintained the principle that universities were open to all classes of the community , and allowed universities to go on dedicating themselves , first and foremost , to the study of the liberal arts .
14 However , most countries still retained some degree of control over capital account transactions , mainly because the volatile nature of capital flows was thought to present potential problems for the stability of their exchange rates .
15 Such economic transformations tend to undermine both the national independence of Third World countries , and the autonomy of women where this is based on some degree of control over land .
16 The Orbital 's two-phase ( air blast ) direct injection fuelling system , which adds a finely atomised fuel charge to the cylinder only after the exhaust port has been covered , eliminates the economy and emissions problems of old while providing a high degree of control over charge stratification .
17 The first gave him a degree of control over appointment to benefices in the Church ; the second referred certain cases to his court and gave him certain prerogative powers .
18 Unlike France , however , the parliament is not constitutionally supine ; indeed it has a degree of control over policy which some might envy , although this is more a result of governmental weakness than anything else .
19 Alternatively , for those who regard this definition as too restrictive — particularly in its implicit overtones of stability , regularity and mutual accommodation between the parties — the central core of the subject is the ‘ study of the process of control over work relations ’ ( Hyman , 1975 , p. 12 ) .
20 Martin Patchen , in a study of 834 US government employees found that the factor of control over work methods consistently emerged as most closely associated with high job motivation .
21 The weakness of shareholder control results , in short , from the ‘ logic of collective action ’ : while the shareholders as a group would benefit if their rights of control over management were exercised , it is rational for the members individually to remain passive .
22 Fourth , ‘ and most importantly there were four practical reasons for the general extension of control over demolition :
23 The powerful political thrust to get rid of this administrative mode of control over labour and material resources is often , but not exclusively , motivated by the need to relieve the economy of the burden of taxation , and to overcome the fiscal crisis of the state .
24 They had wanted an updating of canon law , a reassertion of control over Church organizations , the declaration of Mary 's Assumption ( perhaps as a sop to the pope ) , and a firm condemnation of nascent ecumenism and what they saw as a new outbreak of modernism .
25 In a time of rising inflation this had the potential of depriving the government of control over cash expenditure .
26 First and foremost this involved a whole battery of controls over production and consumption .
27 It is the fear that the administrative form of control over material resources could become politicized to such an extent that it would no longer be subservient to , but subversive of the commodity form .
28 Thus , a study ( Korpi , 1978 , p. 332 ) of the unions and politics in Sweden concluded that , with the strengthening of their collective power base the levels of aspiration of wage-earners are likely to increase ( in a political sense ) , ‘ extending to issues of control over work and production ’ ; while another study ( Gallie , 1978 , p. 299 ) brought out important differences between British and French workers in their attitudes to the present system of industrial production , with the latter taking a much more political view :
29 The problem with this reasoning is that even if we accept the narrow definition of freedom on which it relies , a system of private property , and in particular private ownership of productive assets , is not the only property system that is capable of bringing about the required dispersal of control over material goods .
30 There are two parallel statutory systems of control over Church of England churches : the Church 's system , and the secular system .
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