Example sentences of "[noun] of water over [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would like to think that any sort of physical abuse does n't go on any more , but this does not mean that people might not get a bucket of water over them sometimes . ’
2 Obviously throwing a bucket of water over them is n't going to do a lot of good , so if there is a likelihood of it happening , you 'll need to be prepared .
3 A tall woman leaned from a balcony and emptied a bucket of water over them .
4 ‘ Chuck a couple of buckets of water over him , we might be able to recognise what it is , ’ Yanto suggested .
5 Chucking buckets of water over them eh ?
6 I bloody have done years ago you chuck buckets of water over them .
7 She swished her fingertips through her hair and sent a spray of water over me .
8 ‘ Political in the sense that if I threw this glass of water over you in an interview , that would be a political act .
9 ‘ Three of us carried you , and I was one of the three , and I had to tip a jug of water over you next morning to wake you . ’
10 A punch would be delivered and Ricky , thinking this had ended the row would take himself off to bed only to find the next minute that Minton was emptying a bottle of water over him .
11 He looked so miserable I decided to cheer him up by inviting him to join our little game , and started throwing handfuls of water over him .
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