Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] too far " in BNC.

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1 But among the bare rhythm tracks are some truly uplifting tunes that , without stretching the realms of credibility too far , are worthy of comparison to New Order at their most ecstatic .
2 Do they extend the definition of murder too far , or are they too narrow .
3 Does the ‘ grievous bodily harm ’ rule extend the definition of murder too far ?
4 The drawing movement is necessary to take the opponent 's centre of gravity too far forwards , thus causing him to fall heavily forwards .
5 As any retinue would be under the command of the prince 's governor , earl Rivers , a large force might tilt the balance of power too far in the Woodvilles ' favour .
6 As any retinue would be under the command of the prince 's governor , earl Rivers , a large force might tilt the balance of power too far in the Woodvilles ' favour .
7 Love 'n' Couples do not intend extending the arm of friendship too far in the $1.1 million Philip-Morris sponsored tournament at La Moraleja today .
8 Subsequent analyses by Porter ( 1985 ) , and critics of Porter , described in chapter 4 , suggest that figure 4.3 attempts to push the financial differences between different types of SBU too far .
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