Example sentences of "[noun] of power within the " in BNC.

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1 In the modern period radical elite theorists have extended the argument to explain how a politically neutered Parliament , normally controlled by a majority party leadership , functions to disguise or dress up the constitutionally uncontrolled concentration of power within the executive branch in Britain .
2 The directors are , firstly , made accountable to the shareholders by structuring the internal division of power within the company so that the shareholders have the power to appoint and dismiss directors and to supervise them whilst in office .
3 the Internal Division of Power within the Company as a Means of Controlling Managerial Power
4 Greater interest has been generated by bargaining structures which , as will be shown , establish the framework for the exercise of power within the labour market .
5 The dynamics of decision-making and the exercise of power within the family are difficult to investigate today , let alone for the past .
6 On Maundy Thursday , 9 April 817 , while Louis and his retinue were processing from a service in the splendid church at Aachen , the timber roof of a walkway collapsed on them , injuring several men seriously and giving the emperor himself a nasty shock : it was time to think hard about the distribution of power within the royal family .
7 ‘ I hope it means we can start breaking the old structures of power within the parties , ’ says Mr Segni .
8 The contributions of the Chief Scientific Adviser , the Chief of Defence Procurement and the Permanent Under-Secretary and their staffs increased progressively relative to those of the military Chiefs , creating new and inevitably rival centres of power within the Defence commodity market .
9 This may be done formally , when there is a need to confirm the legitimacy of an agency 's authority ; or informally , when an agency has to respond to pressures from centres of power within the community .
10 Louis too was determined to wipe the slate ritually clean of recent conflicts , in order to secure agreement for a new disposition of power within the royal family .
11 By preventing management from straying outside their competence fiduciary duties act as an alternative mechanism to the internal organization of power within the company for forcing managers to maximize profits .
12 It is misguided in believing that a solution to the problem of the legitimacy of corporate managerial power can ever be found by looking to either the market or the ordering of power within the company .
13 Neither the market nor the internal structuring of power within the company is accepted as a viable means of constraining managerial power .
14 The laws of mikva give women an element of power within the marriage relationship and in modern society protect women from becoming sex objects .
15 But they did not want change and the link to be forged if it were to lead on to wild and radical measures for democracy , equality , and a social revolution that would threaten their larger position of power within the developing economy .
16 The reason was that none of these reforms shifted the balance of power within the social structure of the village .
17 The fundamental problem appears to lie in the balance of power within the NHS as an organisation .
18 The refusal , the third in as many years , is a symbolic trial of strength indicating the political balance of power within the WHO .
19 The odd balance of power within the city was almost destroyed entirely when on 12 November 1933 Adolf Hitler announced that Germany was leaving the League of Nations .
20 In replying , Poulantzas ritually warns that these matters depend to some degree on the particular conjuncture — the extent to which the state can act autonomously varies with the balance of power within the class struggle .
21 The appointment of Oleg Lobov , a former construction engineer and close friend of Mr Yeltsin , as a deputy prime minister responsible for the economy had shifted the balance of power within the government towards the Gosplan-types , who favour a return to central planning and tend to dismiss budget deficits as no more than an accountant 's fancy .
22 Taken together , these changes suggest that the most important effect of the reforms to date has been to challenge the traditional balance of power within the NHS .
23 The entire fabric and balance of power within the group may be shattered if someone is transferred or promoted .
24 For women trying to survive in the game of life there are few ways of improving the balance of power within the family ( or within the workplace ) .
25 However , the concern to increase intra-party democracy and change the balance of power within the Labour Party bespeaks of a profound commitment to create a kind of democracy in Britain very different from that entrenched in the established constitutional set-up and different from that desired by the constitutional authorities and the Alliance who both wish to see legal limits on Parliament as well as a revival of the autonomy of parliamentary government itself .
26 But the price of legitimacy , security and stability may be to concede power to outside interests because failure to reflect the true balance of power within the community will result in concrete demands on the agency being enforced .
27 The balance of power within the Party Conference and on the National Executive moved in favour of the local parties after 1937 .
28 The preponderance of power within the European Community presently resides with the Council of Ministers and the Commission .
29 In more recent times the functioning of Swedish industrial relations has been as much , if not more , dependent upon the centralisation of power within the employers ' confederation as upon the unions ' peak organisation .
30 We can legitimately ask to what extent such personal qualities are important as a source of power within the public sector .
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