Example sentences of "[noun] of this sort [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cross-denominational association of this sort in particular localities was not uncommon and could be reinforced through collaborative reformist and philanthropic action as in the common efforts for moral and civic improvement of such Quaker and Unitarian families in Birmingham as the Cadburys , Lloyds , Kenricks and others .
2 Particularly in the streets that have undergone a great deal of change since the war , like the street where I live myself , which is another thing that prompted me to , to go into the research in the first place , which is erm a house of small Victorian erm I believe the estate agents call them artisans ' cottages , and this kind of area which , there 's a great deal of this sort of property in Brighton , has undergone enormous changes since the war from being multi-occupied before the war , with one family on each floor , were regarded immediately after the war as slums and were scheduled for demolition , but they 've been a great lease of life all over the country , this sort of property , and been subjected to a process which has come to be known as gentrification , which has meant that when the middle class could n't afford to , to buy semi-detached in suburbs they took to buying this kind of smaller property in town centres , thereby introducing a whole new element into streets that had never seen these , this kind of things done to houses before .
3 Naturally , the loss of this sort of money is a blow to us , but every club is feeling the pinch .
4 A crisis of confidence among Britain 's producers was the result of this sort of taunting , and from around this time one begins to detect in the press a sense that the nation 's honour was threatened by its film industry 's parlous condition .
5 An immediate result of this sort of mutual ownership has already been mentioned in the article on the cost of equity : dividend pay-outs are an incomplete measure of the commercial benefits obtained by shareholders .
6 The analysis is to hold whether or not the striking similarity between the dances of the two species is the result of their common descent from a dancing ancestral species , or the result of this sort of dance 's being an optimal solution to the ‘ evolutionary problem ’ of efficient communal food use .
7 It is hoped that a detailed study of this sort of one country will make its contribution to the general understanding of economic growth , now a topic of growing interest .
8 . And the strengths of this sort of person is they 're er , often outgoing , relaxed personality ,
9 The chief exponent of this sort of story was , of course , Dorothy L. Sayers .
10 And in fact the intention would be in effect that this will in fact like greenbelt and I would point to the Harrogate District er Harrogate Rural Area Study and er that 's been submitted by Harrogate Council as an example of er showing that that is the precise intention of this sort of policy .
11 The effect of this sort of denial of disability on ageist grounds is that older people with disabilities are among the most deprived groups dependent on social security .
12 Section 32 enables the Inland Revenue to adjust the value at which Target 's shares are disposed of to counteract the depressant effect of this sort of arrangement , while s176 ensures that a hive-up can not be used to realise an artificial loss on the disposal of Target 's shares ( eg , when it is liquidated ) .
13 The extent of the childlike and almost filial loyalty felt by the ordinary man everywhere towards his ruler , the great fund of emotion of this sort upon which a monarch could still draw , are clearly seen in France in the crisis of 1789 .
14 The worst instance of this sort of linguistic fall from grace would seem to be that of the terms " debt " and " paying the debt " , from the figurative sense of penance due to God , through the literal sense of a financial repayment , to a figurative countersense to the religious one , of sexual indulgence .
15 The advantage of this sort of work is that the descriptions of cellular mechanisms are very detailed and this provides a good basis for determining whether the same cellular mechanisms are available in mammals .
16 This graphically highlights the dangers of this sort of behaviour . ’
17 Whereas adjectives of this sort in English only make their presence felt by their effect on interpretation , it is noteworthy that in at least some cases the peculiar relationship of comparable words in other languages may have an influence on observable form .
18 Those allowed on should be those with some experience of this sort of work .
19 Whether or not he could call himself a Chief Rabbit , he had no experience of this sort of thing .
20 The most common test of this sort to be performed is the Venereal Disease Reference Laboratory test ( VDRL ) .
21 Er but that 's only because of the erm the difficulties of erm er of , of ownership of this sort of thing .
22 The tithe map of 1840 , indicates workings of this sort at " Turks Hall " to the west of The Street , Upper Halling .
23 They have fired this interest by spending £44m on the issue , aiming it primarily at the retail investor when one might expect an issue of this sort to be more suitable for institutions .
24 At present the world probably contains about 250 tonnes of this sort of plutonium and 1,500 tonnes of the uranium .
25 Indeed , the passage in Megarry on The Rent Acts , at pp. 386–387 is wrong , in so far as it suggests that there may be a right in a landlord to re-enter peaceably , in the circumstances of this sort of case , between an order for possession and execution of the order by the bailiff .
26 Of course , it would be foolhardy to go into any scheme of national reappraisal of this sort without the support of all sections of the population .
27 And what are the applications of this sort of progression ?
28 I 'm actually more concerned about , sort of this sort of stereotyped prayer language
29 I 've st still got this sort of this sort of
30 Although theoretically the benevolent side of the dialectic was as likely to manifest itself as the malevolent , it is the nature of this sort of thinking that Mr Hyde always predominates over Dr Jekyll and lurks behind his actions like a puppeteer .
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