Example sentences of "[noun] can [be] reduced to " in BNC.

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1 These , together with marksheets and LEA reports , are produced on a turnround basis ; specific computer files are created at the point of printing the forms so that subsequent data entry can be reduced to a minimum of keystrokes .
2 Similarly , old cars can be reduced to they , and crash violently to disappeared ( the sentence as a whole is not reducible ) .
3 If a passage can be reduced to a set of elementary propositions of the kind approximately represented in [ 9 ] , can we not regard this as the neutral , " styleless " version against which all other paraphrases , such as [ 8 ] , are stylistically marked in varying degrees ?
4 Given these ideas about ideology , Marxists argue that morality can be reduced to the conscious articulation of class interests , the unconscious acceptance of hegemonic power , or the consequence of structurally generated false consciousness .
5 Overall , however , a good number of your executables can be reduced to as much as half their original size .
6 Staff at the brewery are bitter that a profitable business can be reduced to penury by the financial crisis in its parent group .
7 Your probationary period can be reduced to 6 months if you have demonstrated that you fully meet the requirements in terms of performance , conduct , attendance and timekeeping .
8 Ignoring , for the present , the body forces , consider any area S in the body with normal n , and let Q be a point on S. Then in statics it is shown that any system of forces acting on a body can be reduced to the sum of a force F , say , and a couple G acting at the point Q. In the limit of infinitesimal area the ratio F/S tends to a limit — , the traction at Q , while in classical elasticity the ratio G/S is supposed to vanish .
9 However , they do involve exploring the role of knowledge and ideas in society and do not accept that all aspects of social relations can be reduced to the economic relations of the mode of production .
10 According to at least some physicists , life can be reduced to a matter of information-processing .
11 Now that new evidence , either not released before or else wilfully ignored by earlier historians , is available , these charges can be reduced to their proper perspective .
12 The possibility of errors can never be totally eliminated from any copying process , although their probability can be reduced to low levels .
13 For example multiplication can be reduced to an appropriate number of additions , and so on .
14 But on the level of epistemology all music is relatively autonomous ; no sound-structures can be reduced to social , economic or ideological determinants .
15 The ideas that are antagonistic to the global capitalist project can be reduced to one central counter-hegemonic idea , the rejection of the culture-ideology of consumerism itself .
16 Any quadratic form can be reduced to such a canonical form by suitable linear transformations ) .
17 Although emissions of carbon monoxide , hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen can be reduced to a certain extent by modifications to the engine combustion , meeting the emission standards requires the fitting of catalytic converters .
18 Modern microprocessors and computer technology have made such rapid advances that telecommunications and internal communications systems are now in compact units without plugs , switches , or buttons : just small keyboards with touch-sensitive depressions , some with small visual display units ( VDUs ) which can show at a glance the status of all calls being handled and prompt the operator through every procedure so that training can be reduced to a minimum .
19 By carefully controlling the drying rates in large kilns the time for seasoning can be reduced to a matter of days or weeks .
20 Now in this case D can be reduced to a standard canonical form E by a similar transformation unc where Y has precisely the same block diagonal form as D ; in effect , each diagonal block is resolved into its own canonical form .
21 At this size , the feeding can be reduced to twice over a three day period .
22 It is perhaps worth saying again that this argument for a rational basis for pedagogy does not imply that everything about good teaching can be reduced to what is rational .
23 The school 's values can be reduced to one rule , says the head ; do to others as you would have them do to you .
24 Demonstrating that the 3D turnaround time can be reduced to two months has given the Vietnam team confidence , Nunn says , to use this method again on their second 3D survey in Vietnam over a prospect in Block 5–2 .
25 Part of the philosophical interest in this area arose from the questions of whether ( a ) all indexical expressions can be reduced to a single primary one , and thence ( b ) whether this final pragmatic residue can be translated out into some eternal context-free artificial language .
26 Most complicated jobs can be reduced to a sequence of relatively simple operations to be approached step by step .
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