Example sentences of "[noun] would be based on " in BNC.

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1 The common external tariff would be based on an average of the existing duties levied by the member states at their national borders , though with some downward adjustment .
2 The new structural adjustment programme would be based on concessional aid of at least $600,000,000 annually over three years .
3 It was agreed that where possible a system of barter would operate , with for example Estonia bartering electricity for Latvian gas ; where this was not possible accounting would be based on the deutschmark .
4 Our fee for this type of work would be based on time taken plus outlays and is very dependent upon the number of companies in the sample .
5 Our fee for this type of work would be based on time taken plus outlays and naturally is very dependent upon the number of companies in the sample .
6 Like the rates the tax would be based on the value of the property .
7 Our research , and the examples provided by other countries , show clearly that local income tax would be based on justice and fairness .
8 Value of the business would be based on ‘ price per bed ’ multiplied by number of beds
9 It said that the acquisition of conventional weapons would be based on the doctrine of " minimum deterrence " , defined as the capability which the states in the region " legitimately need to deter and defend against military aggression " .
10 The General Assembly on Dec. 19 established the post of a UN Emergency Relief Co-ordinator , whose secretariat would be based on a strengthened Office of the UN Disaster Relief Co-ordinator and the consolidation of existing offices which dealt with complex emergencies .
11 Ideally , any decisions about delegated powers would be based on common sense and a desire to ensure that while fulfilling their duties and obligations , governors would never jeopardise the smooth and effective running of the school and the education of its pupils .
12 André Breton , self-styled ‘ pope ’ of the surrealist movement , contrasted a high modernist aesthetic in which all art would be based on a musical model with the surrealist ( and , in the present context , postmodern ) idea that all art should partake of a visual mode .
13 His familiarity with his brother 's behaviour would be based on past form , something she had n't wanted to dwell on , for surely it had been different this time ?
14 Economic development would be based on self-regulation , with the centre playing a merely coordinating role .
15 Since infection is first acquired during suckling , complete control would be based on removal of kittens from the dam and artificial rearing .
16 The new treaty contained no military commitments , specifying that in future relations would be based on international law and the accords of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) .
17 When Eisenhower made him its head he declared that American policy would be based on ‘ openness , simplicity and righteousness . ’
18 Such support would be based on the following principles : adjustment should be economically viable as well as socially and politically bearable ; it should conform with long-term development objectives ; it should be based on a joint assessment by the EC and the country concerned ; and it should be undertaken in close co-operation with the international financial institutions ( primarily the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and the World Bank ) .
19 Payment would be based on a pooled system : if everyone wanted the same coverage costs would be shared .
20 Claiming that the allied forces had a " game plan " which was being followed , he said that he sympathized with the motives of those who called for an indefinite air campaign , but that any decision on the launching of a ground offensive would be based on military advice ; there would be no " delay for the sake of delay , hoping that it would save lives " .
21 Monitoring would be based on the frequency of access to files , and the archiving policies of different types of information items .
22 Surrealist allegory would be based on , in Breton 's words , ‘ the bringing together of two more or less distant realities ’ , these realities forming ‘ an aggregation based on elective affinities ’ ( Kuspit 1983 , p.58 ) .
23 In most cases , decisions would be based on local custom , disputes often being referred to the oldest men present , those with the longest memories .
24 Such a society would be based on two extreme cultures and supported by highly divergent ideologies — the elite society valuing work and , presumably , awarding themselves status and power as compensation for their efforts , and the underclass valuing leisure and , accordingly , not accepting as legitimate the rewards the elite class have given themselves .
25 The Lieutenant opined that when the science was properly understood all promotion in the army would be based on careful skull measurements .
26 Employment would be based on specialized training and formal certification of competence , acquired prior to gaining the job .
27 Such a fund would be based on the premise that research into in vitro fertilisation benefits not just the parents but science and society as a whole .
28 They especially liked Israel 's affirmations that negotiations on the final status of the occupied territories would be based on UN Security Council Resolution 242 , the 1967 land-for-peace document that all the Arab delegations regard as holy writ .
29 In the usual way the ratio will largely if not wholly be determined in advance of preparation of the firm 's accounts , though , if desired , to follow a modern practice of American origin , final determination of each partner 's share could be agreed to be deferred until after the year 's profits have been ascertained and the performance of each partner assessed in that context : in the interim , permitted drawings would be based on past performance .
30 The territory of each unit would be based on the " national absolute or relative majority " in each municipality .
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