Example sentences of "[noun] were thought to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Islington , Southwark , Camden and Hounslow were thought to be in the bag .
2 No German warships were thought to be in the immediate area and only some four squadrons of fighters and bombers — an estimated 37 planes — were flying from Herdia , Stavanger , and Trondheim .
3 It was unclear whether the move was backed by the government of Croatia , since Serbo-Croat negotiations over partitioning Bosnia-Hercegovina were thought to be backed by the respective Presidents [ see p. 38919 ] .
4 Key variables were thought to be the size of the selected area , the population characteristics and the traffic structure .
5 These savings were thought to be of the order of £0.5 million at the most .
6 The earlier stations were not as successful as their British counterparts but later designs were thought to be an improvement .
7 If , however , further safeguards were thought to be necessary , it would be open to the Director to reserve such decisions to himself .
8 Had the Home Office research shown that the majority of offences within reported crime were thought to be committed by people on probation , under SSD supervision , or on community programmes , one could have understood a post-trial response .
9 Painful bowel movements were thought to be present if the child complained of pain during defecation or when the child exhibited screaming or crying in anticipation of , or during , defecation , if the parent reported blood on the stool or if the child had an anal fissure present at the time of examination .
10 Because of these common anatomical and behavioural features lampreys and hagfishes were thought to be most closely related to one another among the modern fauna and were recognized as cyclostomes ( Fig. 2A , a ) .
11 This was an attempt to retain some of the advantages of the gold standard , since stable rates of exchange were thought to be beneficial to the conduct of trade and other international transactions , and yet adjustments in the exchange rate were deemed desirable for a country facing a permanent payments imbalance .
12 MEMBER firms of the London Stock Exchange were thought to be back in profit in the last quarter of 1992 after a third-quarter deficit caused by heavy dealing losses and falling revenues .
13 The behaviour of the crowds — vulgar , noisy and violent — immediately excited considerable apprehension , and the excesses of the transfer market and professionalism were thought to be ruining the native traditions of ‘ fair play ’ and sportsmanship .
14 Given that membership of the school was universally perceived as a privilege , social and disciplinary problems were minimal and few special arrangements for pastoral care or counselling were thought to be necessary .
15 Feelings were thought to be strong , on either side , about the sentence that was now to be carried out .
16 Writers were thought to be probably the more rational and intellectual of the two .
17 The bombings were thought to be in retaliation for the shooting by British soldiers in an undercover operation on Oct. 9 of IRA activists Desmond Grew and Martin McCaughey near Loughgall in south Armagh .
18 Many sections of the army leadership were thought to be hostile towards Aristide , however , because , in response to United States pressure , he had begun to act to stop drug trafficking from which they were known to benefit .
19 Mentally ill people were thought to be a disgrace to the family .
20 The very corpses were thought to be contagious ; in some parishes attempts were made to prevent their burial in consecrated ground , and it became necessary for the parson to conduct the service under cover of darkness .
21 Although corporacy and good relations were thought to be important , both sides acknowledged that conflicts of interest were bound to happen which had to be worked through by negotiation and bargaining .
22 Difficulties determining whether or not the gall bladder was clear of stones were encountered ; indeed , four patients were thought to be free of stones at the end of the procedure only to have fragments found on the 10th day .
23 Psychiatry was new and had only been in practice since 1879 ; neuroses and psychoses were thought to be untreatable .
24 He went on to add that disgruntled acid house partygoers were thought to be behind the vandalism .
25 The guardian and interpreter of socialist legality was the CPSU and it was in this role that the party justified its intervention in the course of justice in cases where the interest and security of the state were thought to be involved .
26 Those envisaged under the previous Asylum Bill were thought to be inoperable .
27 Iran and pro-Iranian forces in Lebanon were thought to be particularly angered at the lack of pressure by the USA on Israel to obtain the release of more than 300 Lebanese Moslem hostages in south Lebanon .
28 Although the Cabinet was composed of members of the ruling Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea ( PDGE ) , some members were thought to be close to the opposition .
29 Because their tour of duty usually lasted no more than three or four years their primary loyalties were thought to be to their careers in the Home Office at large .
30 Not surprisingly , in view of the public pressure , the police responded by adopting routine tactics of stopping and searching black people in the street , especially in areas where muggings were thought to be commonplace .
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