Example sentences of "[noun] were responsible for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Petwood was built of all the very best materials and the Maple craftsmen were responsible for carving the lovely oak staircase and interior panellings .
2 Thus fewer US vessels were responsible for killing an increasing number of dolphins between 1983 and 1986 , while boats sold abroad were not affected by the imposition of dolphin kill quotas .
3 During the late nineteenth century , Medical Officers of Health , in particular , contended that women going out to work were responsible for raising the infant mortality rate because they tended to bottle-feed their infants and because , by carrying them out to nurse in the early morning , they exposed them to bronchitis .
4 Even assigning a conservative twenty-five per cent of earnings in 1977 to heritage , this showed historic buildings and areas were responsible for earning at least £500 million in foreign exchange .
5 Under the Dutch , revenue headmen were responsible for apprehending lawbreakers , but in 1806 the British created a new class of local headman , called vidanes , to carry out police duties .
6 Twelve area boards were responsible for distributing and selling the electricity to both industrial and domestic users .
7 During Hart 's time the responsibilities of the customs had been concerned only with the collection of duties and the prevention of smuggling ; Chinese officials were responsible for banking the revenue and for its use in the service of loans and other financial obligations to foreign governments for which it was security .
8 He believed that abrupt changes on the earth 's surface were responsible for killing off all the species over a wide area .
9 For the first time Stoddard Mercia were responsible for creating the complete interior scheme including furniture , light fittings and wallpaper .
10 Verity found that as many as ten government committees were responsible for coordinating the work of all the former undertakings , manufacturers , construction firms and consultants , and that , in addition to the planners , four Ministries — Fuel and Power , Labour , Supply ( responsible for manufacturers ) and Works ( responsible for construction sites ) — were involved .
11 Between 1983 and 1987 , schools and educational welfare officers were responsible for initiating only 12 per cent .
12 The co-operatives were responsible for selling any over-produced commodity on the world market and this could be difficult .
13 Children or young people were responsible for instigating the complaint and consequently social workers and police officers were highly dependent on children 's testimonies .
14 On two occasions , deaf people were responsible for saving the lives of the pilots .
15 Most of the staff were responsible for making these monsters and since I 'm such a nice person , I might be able to help .
16 Helen Martin , our chairperson said , ‘ The Heatfest weekend was so important to us as tenants because for the very first time , the people who live in the damp houses got the opportunity to sit round the table with the people who in the past were responsible for creating the kinds of conditions that we are now forced to live in and we could say , hey look !
17 The party congress apologised to East Germans , saying that the previous SED leaders were responsible for plunging the country into deep crisis which threatened its existence .
18 The north American Indians hunted it for food and used the feather to decorate their headdresses , but the Mexican Aztecs were responsible for domesticating it .
19 Certainly kings were responsible for summoning councils .
20 It was a general principle of English and also Scandinavian medieval law that relatives who inherited land were responsible for supporting its former owners , including widows .
21 In this , tenants of certain lands were responsible for making as much of the Horngarth as belonged to that land — as today , for instance , a tenant may be responsible for maintaining particular footpaths or fences which may cross his land .
22 The knowledge workers in the insurance company were responsible for processing this mass of data to maintain operational control of the business .
23 It blamed the shootings on " armed Lithuanians " rather than soldiers , and suggested that cars rather than tanks were responsible for running over several civilians ( contradicting television footage of the affair ) .
24 I already knew he and his brother were responsible for beating up Edouard . ’
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