Example sentences of "[noun] were believe [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Kemptner and Strubig were believed to be held by the Hamadei family , two members of which were serving prison sentences in Germany for terrorist related crimes .
2 Dialectology in its traditional form is therefore principally interested in geographical differences ; its best-known data-gathering technique has been to send researchers ( usually called ‘ field-workers ’ ) mainly into rural areas ( where the speakers were believed to be less likely to have been influenced by other accents ) , to find elderly speakers ( whose speech was believed to have been less influenced by other accents and to preserve older forms of the dialect ) and to use lists of questions to find information about vocabulary and pronunciation , the questions being chosen to concentrate on items known to vary a lot from region to region .
3 These countries were believed to be Romania and Yugoslavia .
4 The 13th reform were believed to be sufficient to allow locos to work over the bridge and it is understood that 37/4 's will not be allowed over .
5 Toxic chemicals dumped in the unlined landfill site were believed to be responsible for leukaemia and birth defects among children of families living nearby .
6 These attacks were believed to be the work of the military wing ( HOS ) of the right-wing Croatian Party of Justice ( HSP ) , operating outside the control of the Croatian authorities .
7 By Sept. 20 six had been arrested , including deputy speaker Ilijaz Ramajli ; of the remainder , it was reported on Sept. 24 that one had committed suicide , and that the rest were believed to be in hiding outside Kosovo .
8 ‘ The gigantic power and influence of the ovaries over the whole animal economy of woman ’ , as Dr Bliss put it in 1870 , meant that women 's constitutions were believed to be inherently unstable throughout the life cycle .
9 Security sources said that artillery units in the security zone also shelled Lebanese villages 15 km from the Israeli border , in the Iqilm and Toufah areas , where pro-Iranian Moslem fundamentalists were believed to be preparing to infiltrate the security zone ; it was reported that Palestinians had set up multibarrel rocket-launchers aimed at Israel there .
10 At least 200 people were believed to be missing after a mudslide on Feb. 27 , 1990 , buried the village of San Miguel de Río Mayo in the northern jungle , 800 km north of Lima , following heavy rains .
11 The resignations of four government ministers in late September were believed to be related to forthcoming elections , with Education Minister Ricardo Lagos Escobar in particular stepping down in order to stand for the presidency in 1993 , and Carlos Ominami Pascual ( Economy ) to organize his campaign .
12 A force of 830 police with speedboats and three helicopters spent 12 hours on Monday sweeping through an island in the Nile 300 km ( 190 miles ) south of Cairo where eight militant leaders were believed to be based .
13 A spokesman for the health authority said only eight mothers were believed to be at risk of infection and not all of them had asked for an AIDS test .
14 The crew of that canoe were believed to be among the first human beings to set foot on the Islands .
15 The proposals were believed to be ‘ an attempt to cash limit a demand led service which will damage the doctor/patient relationship and be detrimental to patient care . ’
16 The equilibrium levels of income and employment were believed to be determined largely in the labour market .
17 Although the Somerset levels is one of the strongholds of the country 's 3,000 barn owls , the pair were believed to be the first to breed in Avon for six years .
18 Other sources say the reason for the massacre was that the women were believed to be Irish whores , armed to fight .
19 More generally in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England and Europe , children , livestock , milk and crops were believed to be vulnerable to the witchcraft of jealous neighbours .
20 He recruited from the ancient universities , and many of his agents were believed to be Russian sympathizers .
21 A Sierra Leonean dissident leader , Foday Sankoh and his followers were believed to be siding with the Liberian guerrillas loyal to Charles Taylor [ see also this page ] with the shared aim of seizing control of mineral-rich areas close to the Liberian border around the towns of Pujehun , Kenema , Segbwema and Bo .
22 The victims were believed to be a Lancashire textile boss and three friends .
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