Example sentences of "[noun] which i share [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was hustled away to a cold , stone-flagged cell beneath the Guildhall which I shared with two of the biggest rats I have ever clapped eyes on .
2 After that we would go hack to my flat which I share with two other students in the Santa Croce area , or to Debbie 's .
3 This is the vision which I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki . "
4 We squashed side by side in the small double bed which I shared with Grandma when she came to stay .
5 My Lords , I can give My Noble Friend an assurance that Christianity as the main traditional religious tradition of this country will be taught at every key stage , both key stages er at key stages , one , two , three and four and that er knowledge of other religious is also a requirement , but I can also say to My Noble Friend that model syllabuses have just been released for consultation and there is a real concern which I share with My Noble Friend that young children at the ages between five and eleven are required to cover too many religions and that 's a question that will be covered during the consultation period .
6 In that sense , the methods are tools which I share with the others .
7 It is also a very English subject ( as befits a Professor of English Law ) and it is an interest which I share with my distinguished predecessor , Professor Sir Gordon Borrie .
8 The view which I share with such disparate theorists as Antonio Gramsci and Max Weber is that the model of lawyers as both agents of the bourgeoisie and translators is correct theoretically as well as empirically .
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