Example sentences of "[noun] we ought [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 This discussion suggests that the question we ought to be asking is not a descriptive one — what is public law ? — but a prescriptive or normative one : when ought public law rules apply ; or , what is the proper scope of public law ?
2 It 's absolutely the worst type of business we ought to be
3 Now on the face of that that that that 's seems fairly sensible , y'know if somebody is in need we ought to be doing something about it .
4 I think , therefore , that as Anglicans we ought to be affirming more confidently than we usually do the freedom this gives to the mind , the heart and the body to be an integrated whole .
5 " Unless it 's bolted on the inside we ought to be able to get in with these , " he said .
6 I would suggest that initially one of the things we ought to be doing is making approaches to the private sector through their organisations where they exist and say , look we really have to begin to get into the kind of discussions that you have been talking about earlier between health and social work ; health , social work and the voluntary side to talk about the issues of planning and the issues of quality and the issues of the form and shape of services and what sort of developments are acceptable in client-need terms and what are not acceptable .
7 Well , if we 're really into wider democracy we ought to be promoting wider debate , please support .
8 As you can see the erm , where is it , we 've got to have , or the airlines have got to have their submissions in by the end of this month so if we have got anything really that we want to say from sales we ought to be letting have it in in a formal thing .
9 Now in this particular period if you were looking at these figures just like this , what would be your automatic reaction in terms of the type of holidays we ought to be providing ?
10 Yeah , I think when it comes to bearing selection issues we ought to be clear in which direction we 're going in , now , it 's in our interests at the moment , as we 're unable to produce a larger series of airings in the U K or in Europe , to steer them away from those sort of design , but it seems also to be fairly clear that demands for packaging and compact design for steering gear , tend to be favouring the =mote , remote valve arrangement , therefore putting a considerable advantage
11 They need better leisure facilities , certainly , but given current trends that 's a market we ought to be considering anyway .
12 Three hundred and fifty kilos for tomorrow morning , is very exciting , until you realise that oil is the last thing on God 's earth we ought to be carrying .
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