Example sentences of "[noun] which [be] relevant to " in BNC.

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1 [ Note : the Seller must fill in here the specified steps which are relevant to the particular machinery in order to take advantage of the Section of the Act .
2 ( 2 ) Before giving the prisoner the opportunity to make such representations , the Secretary of State is required to inform him of the period recommended by the judiciary as the period he should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence , and of any other opinion expressed by the judiciary which is relevant to the Secretary of State 's decision as to the appropriate period to be served for these purposes .
3 This page enables you to provide information about any existing DCs which are relevant to this DC , up to a maximum of 10 .
4 Contexts involve characters of the pupils ' own ages and subjects which are relevant to their lives .
5 Assessment also involves ‘ making sense ’ of that information , and in order to do so , the information about an individual has to be interpreted in the context of current knowledge , theory , ideas , and common practice which is relevant to the characteristics of that individual and his or her situation .
6 There were two further developments of the family planning programme of India after Bucharest which are relevant to conservation programmes of today .
7 In addition to two charges of perjury and two counts of making false statements , he was also charged with having obstructed the investigation by concealing the existence of extensive personal notes which were relevant to the clandestine 1985-86 operation to sell arms to Iran and to divert the profits to assist the right-wing " contra " rebels in Nicaragua .
8 Collecting animals from the wild and using them as pets has consequences , in many cases which are relevant to conservation .
9 The short-term objectives include : enabling religious broadcasters to meet and share insights and experiences ; helping them to develop programmes which are relevant to their respective cultures ; and examining the forms and models of religious broadcasting authorities in different countries .
10 And , in the ordinary course of events , everyone is reluctant to accept that others have an expertise which is relevant to their personal situation .
11 This project is expected to contribute to the development of effective health education strategies which are relevant to consumers .
12 Feminist psychology has also tackled previously neglected areas of female experience which are relevant to its efforts to get women a better deal in men 's worlds .
13 The following is an extract from The Engineering Council Bye–Laws and Rules which are relevant to the enhancement of registrants ' risk awareness .
14 This makes it clear that each pupil is entitled , as a result of the law , to a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to his or her particular needs .
15 So far , we have considered some key principles derivative from a Christian world-view which are relevant to issues of political economy .
16 This work tackles two other areas which are relevant to natural language indexing : Chapter 11 discusses the generation of printed indexes based upon the words in titles ; it also reviews some of the basic strengths and limitations of natural language indexing in the context of printed indexes based entirely upon titles alone ; Chapter 17 considers post-coordinate indexing and online searching of databases .
17 This section gives an introduction to aspects of the law which are relevant to engineers and risk issues .
18 Whether it would have been possible against this background of practically continuous fighting in the south , more than a year before the first Vietnam war between France and the Vietminh is usually reckoned to have begun , for either side to have modified its objectives to the point where compromise could have been reached is obviously a question which is relevant to the origins of the Vietnam war and one must therefore look for the characteristics which , at least after the event , suggest a remarkably high risk of collision .
19 You can also ask to be put in contact with others in a similar position to yourself and if you want to you can always arrange to meet regularly or form a support group to discuss matters which are relevant to all of you in your day to day work .
20 The media are also required , when reporting matters which are relevant to imminent legal proceedings , to ensure that their reports do not give rise to any substantial risk of prejudice .
21 The group which is relevant to the discussion of support is ‘ effective ’ kin , which itself is composed of an inner and an outer circle .
22 Perhaps the most obvious use you can make of non-ELT materials on video is to introduce topics which are relevant to your students .
23 The third factor which is relevant to an explanation of the limited development of early Soviet — Latin American ties is that significant sectors of the Latin American elites were ( indeed , in some cases still are ) deeply imbued with a strong anti-Communism .
24 In addition , the investors will be keen to obtain warranties in respect of the business plan and future financial forecasts along the following lines : ( a ) The Business Plan has been carefully prepared in good faith having regard to the information available and the market conditions prevailing at the time of its preparation and the figures contained therein have been carefully considered and are honestly believed to be reasonable and the Managers have made all reasonable enquiries so as to ascertain all such information and conditions which are relevant to the preparation of the forecasts contained therein .
25 Includes comment on occupancy conditions which is relevant to the re-use of redundant agricultural and other buildings in the countryside .
26 The level of notional excess demand is the magnitude which is relevant to Walras 's Law , but it is of no operational significance either for firms or for households .
27 However , on 30 October 1990 , when the intervention notice was issued , Lautro 's then current rules included the following provisions which are relevant to the present appeal .
28 will give information to potential customers which is relevant to both theirs and the pupils ' needs ;
29 In accepting the Crown 's application , Lord Coulsfield said that the general rule of law was that evidence which was relevant to the issue was admissible unless excluded by some peremptory rule of law .
30 In awareness from all spatial , temporal and personal viewpoints which are relevant to the issue ( = viewpoints from which I do find myself spontaneously moved in one direction or the other ) I find myself moved towards X , overlooking a relevant viewpoint I find myself moved towards Y. Be aware .
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