Example sentences of "[noun] had [be] talking [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While Party Politics was a topical tip seized by thousands of once-a-year punters only five days before the General Election , Adams had been talking of the gelding winning a National for nearly two years .
2 Strange voices had been talking inside her head forever .
3 She wished that she could ask David what Anthony had been talking about , but she obviously could not .
4 What he does n't seem to know is that Albie had been talking to Carmichael .
5 Speaker B had been talking about the radio she had in the 1930s and speaker A's first line here seems to continue within the temporal , locational and personal indices of the existing topic framework while introducing telephones .
6 One of the guests had been talking about him .
7 He had n't been paying much attention to what Throgmorton had been talking about on the way here , but he recalled his ears had caught the unpleasant words ‘ casting vote ’ , and ‘ your important role as president ’ .
8 Donald and Elinor had been talking for thirty minutes .
9 I know the mental health on th on the health service side are facing the same problems and I was wondering to what extent the director had been talking to the District Health Authority on , on those lines .
10 And then , after he and Owen had been talking for some while , he crooked his finger and called over the boy who had seen
11 His uncle , he said , was very displeased that the bargemen had been talking with us .
12 Rachel had become so lost in her thoughts that she suddenly realised her father had been talking to her and she had n't heard a word .
13 A woman had been talking to him , but she had gone away .
14 All the time Ward had been talking to the receptionist his head had been half turned to the street doors , which were wide open , framing an incessant movement of people in an iridescent haze of hot sunlight .
15 The eight-year-old Ian had been talking in class all through a painting lesson .
16 He immediately saw what the ferrymaster had been talking about .
17 Conversation had started up among the customers in the tavern again , although two had left while the company had been talking amongst themselves .
18 Two rather hysterical women had been talking in a suburban living-room , the one brunette and hawk-nosed , desperate for approval of a new pair of shoes , the other auburn and bright-eyed , and equally desperate about an undeclared affair her absent husband was having .
19 He was not sure that Jehan had been talking about the arrows , and remembering that Jehan was Burun 's grandson he wondered how much he knew , or had been told , about the plan to obtain Sidacai 's freedom .
20 The Tories had been talking about just such a move in opposition .
21 He guessed at once that his son had been talking to Yuan , and even though the casual disclosure of information had been prearranged , he regretted the unavoidability of the confrontation which was about to occur .
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