Example sentences of "[noun] are [adv] compose of " in BNC.

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1 Local authorities are often composed of these kinds of functional departments .
2 Thus it seems likely that the winter population and a substantial passage in February and March are largely composed of stellata ; passage of this species continues through April and May , and is then joined by a large movement of arctica ; immer is always a scarce species .
3 The groups are usually composed of genetic kin , but not always .
4 DHAs are now composed of five executive directors with a chairman and five non-executive members selected on the ‘ basis of the skills and experience they can bring to the authority ’ ( White Paper , para 8.6 ) .
5 Nucleotide sequencing showed that these sequences are exclusively composed of T 2 AG 3 repeat units .
6 Classes in ordinary schools are increasingly composed of pupils of different ethnic origin , cultural and religious persuasion , pupils who may have physical or sensory impairments , learning difficulties or social and emotional problems , since the neighbourhood school rather than the special school is seen to be the first choice for children 's education .
7 Schools are also composed of individuals ( children and teachers ) and are responsible to other individuals ( parents ) within the framework of a community .
8 Like your hair , nails are primarily composed of keratin , a fibrous , porous protein , whose cells stretch when nails are exposed to water .
9 Teeth and bones are largely composed of calcium and it is essential that enough of this mineral is present in the diet for them to remain strong .
10 To demonstrate that chromosomal P. anserina telomeres are also composed of T 2 AG 3 repeats we set up hybridization experiments using the synthetic probe ( T 2 AG 3 ) 4 .
11 The governing board and committees of exchanges are usually composed of market participants .
12 Hospitals are often composed of groupings based around particular medical skills such as physiotherapy or radiology .
13 These relatively thin walls are largely composed of cellulose , in the form of fibrillae , and Professor Preston , of Leeds , finds that these thin threads are disposed in the form of a very steep spiral or helix , wound around the long axes of the cells ( Figure 3 ) .
14 The extensive slate quarries , and the long rows of cottages occupied by those who work there , are a strongly-marked feature in the day 's walk ; while many of the walls are entirely composed of slates fixed into the ground and placed upright : in the churchyard many of the tombstones were slate slabs , with painted inscriptions .
15 In practice natural sediments are rarely composed of spherical grains , and most contain assemblages of many shapes .
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