Example sentences of "[noun] that you actually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of course , there is always the danger that you actually identify the time a convoy is passing through , ’ he admitted .
2 Erm and that nomination would subsequently lapse should you marry or erm on the death , marriage or remarriage of the person that you actually nominated .
3 God wants you to be so full of Jesus that you actually start acting like him .
4 If you wait five years it gets slightly steeper so the force to you becomes that and so on and so forth , forty five fifty and you can see at fifty five if you want to retire at a certain age er what 's the age that you actually want to retire ?
5 Well the actual State er the statutory sick pay is fifty six pounds ten pence per week erm it is no more than that but I would be interested to see the , the leaflet that you actually got from work .
6 If you got mice i , you can also make things easier by actually moving that arrow around until you get to the individual word that you actually want to find and actually then you stop your cursor there .
7 erm , it 's how confident you are in yourself and the way that you actually put your point across .
8 The moral to this little story must therefore be that it is always worth checking that the components you receive from a supplier are the ones that you actually ordered !
9 Do you the fact that you actually lived in the flats few years er at the same with you working on the flats as well .
10 I mean I 'm gon na try and give , the first two guys and er Mike who came in , they did n't do very well cos they did n't actually mention that bit and it did n't flow from then on , you 've got ta make the point , you know , did you find that er well not did you , that 's bad phraseology , I 'm sure you found this beneficial which of the areas of the five tonight actually interest you the most do that bit and then go in with the fact that you actually mentioned earlier on that you do work on a recommendation basis .
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