Example sentences of "[noun] was replaced by the " in BNC.

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1 On soft ground , the familiar rattle was replaced by the occasional noise of tearing metal .
2 Dzerzinsky 's absence the Cheka was replaced by the GPU ( Gosudarstvennoe politicheskoe upravlenie ) , which was now to be integrated within the Commissariat for Internal Affairs .
3 For them it was only very slowly that seasonal and migratory work was replaced by the idea of emigration to Canada or America .
4 But this skill was replaced by the inclined table which simply had the slime/water mix fed on at its top end , the stream of water carrying away the waste .
5 The predominant mood of rural England was replaced by the sharper view of vagrant cosmopolitans like Eliot and Ezra Pound , and of course the European expressionists who came face to face with social realism .
6 The unconditioned stimulus was replaced by the repeated firing of the sensory neuron , and the conditioning stimulus by squirting serotonin onto the cell .
7 The steel bow was replaced by the composite bow which is more effective , more powerful pound for pound , and lighter to carry .
8 These envisaged peace on four conditions : if the Russian protectorate over the Danubian Principalities was replaced by a European guarantee ; if Russian control of the mouth of the Danube came to an end ; if the Straits Convention of 1841 was revised in the interests of the European balance of power ; and if the protection of Ottoman Christians by Russia was replaced by the collective protection of Europe 's five Great Powers .
9 The absence of sound was replaced by the terrible hiss of silence .
10 The Funeral Service Preliminary Examination was replaced by the Foundation Module .
11 The traditional dependence on Scottish universities was replaced by the expanding university college system , London University and the Victoria University group of colleges .
12 Mayorga was replaced by the Bank 's vice-president , Raul Lacayo .
13 Soon the mask of mob rule and anarchy was replaced by the naked face of despotism , and eventually it gave way to Napoleon 's personal image of collectivism : an imperial militarism .
14 All the Foreign Office ministers , headed by Lord Carrington , had to resign from the government , though Carrington was replaced by the hardly more resolute figure of Pym .
15 Long gone the exhilaration of attacking another aircraft , now this feeling was replaced by the real struggle of man against machine .
16 Daim was replaced by the Education Minister , Anwar Ibrahim , now widely regarded as Mahathir 's political heir .
17 Watanjar was replaced by the Water and Electricity Minister , Raz Mohammad Patkin .
18 I pursued the howling dog , hands clawed and teeth bared , stopping only when my rage was replaced by the realisation that for the first time in my life I 'd put another human being before myself .
19 Kuzmin was replaced by the deputy commander of the Leningrad military district , Lt.-Gen.
20 The Poincaré franc was replaced by the Special Drawing Right ( hereinafter ‘ SDR ’ ) at 835 SDR 's per package and 2.5 SDR 's per kilogram .
21 The reporter signed off , and Kathleen stared at the screen as Jack 's image was replaced by the film that had been running .
22 This effect was no longer seen when the DNA denaturation step in the PCNA protocol was replaced by the Saponin digestion step .
23 The family doctor was replaced by the much more impersonal group practice .
24 Cautious as the Council 's immediate formulations almost always were , the outcome was that the Latin liturgy was replaced by the vernacular , the cup was offered to the laity , married men would at least be ordained to the diaconate , Protestant Bible societies were to be worked with , the modern world was to be sympathized with rather than condemned .
25 In 1752 the old Julian calendar was replaced by the more accurate Gregorian calendar and in order to bring England in line with Europe the next day after 3 September was proclaimed to be 14 September .
26 They therefore accepted views of early kinship which represented it as a system where women were superior to men , where sex was unrestricted , and where the private and isolation of the group formed by parents and children was replaced by the commonality of a much larger undivided group .
27 The quart bottle of Nettles scheduled for first prize in the raffle was replaced by the top job and the winning ticket , always known on these occasions as ‘ Ken 's shilling ’ , went to Norvm Homstat .
28 The 1988 Scheme was replaced by the Duty Solicitor Arrangements 1989 , and the Legal Aid ( Duty Solicitor ) Committee of the Law Society by the Duty Solicitor Committee appointed by the Legal Aid Board .
29 This feudal system was replaced by the capitalist mode of production , which created its own state system to serve the interests of the owners of the means of capitalist production .
30 In little over a decade , constitutional clarity was replaced by confusion ; praise was replaced by piercing critique ; and support for the system was replaced by the demand for a new constitutional settlement to reshape politics .
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