Example sentences of "[noun] was [adj] to show that " in BNC.

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1 One glance was sufficient to show that the regular had been right .
2 Darwin was anxious to show that even quite complex adaptations could have been built up gradually by natural selection from rudimentary origins that were common to all animals and plants .
3 The Workers ' Birth Control Group was anxious to show that women were not going to renege on motherhood if they were permitted easier access to birth control information : ‘ the committee of this organisation consists of married women who have children , and they are not in any way out to say it is a good thing not to have children ’ .
4 The plaintiff was able to show that there was a real danger of confusion and damage to their reputation and goodwill .
5 The angular resolution of the observations was inadequate to show that the source was definitely located at the nucleus , but the strength and variability of the line suggested that it arose from a compact source .
6 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the object of the substituted section 9 of the Wills Act 1837 had been to simplify the requirements for the execution and witnessing of a will ; that the complementary requirements , of a signature and of an intention that the signature should give effect to the will , demanded a practical approach ; that a written name , not being a normal signature , was capable of being a signature for the purposes of section 9 ; but that where a testamentary document was signed before the dispositive provisions had been written , affirmative evidence was necessary to show that the testator had intended the signature to give effect to the provisions ; that by writing his name and the dispositive provisions in one single operation the deceased had provided such evidence ; and that , accordingly , the will had been duly executed ; but that , on the evidence , the deputy judge had been entitled to conclude that the onus on the defendants of establishing the testamentary capacity of the deceased had not been discharged ( post , pp. 588B–H , 589B–F , 592A–C ) .
7 Working with a series of transparent resin models in polarized light , Marsh was able to show that a step was just as bad a stress concentrator as the equivalent crack , in fact it might be regarded as half a crack .
8 Evidence that David Kirby was keen to show that L&SE was no longer a region-based organisation is to be found in the launch of Awayday , entitling an adult , if accompanied by at least one child , to purchase up to four additional tickets for adults or children at a flat fare of £1 each for use anywhere within the sector area .
9 Although the animal was slow to mature ( some claimed that it would keep growing until it was six years old ) the new society was able to show that properly managed steers could reach market weights before they were two years old .
10 Both by calculation and by experiments with model cells , George was able to show that the process of buckling and elongation absorbed a great deal of energy .
11 Drawing upon detailed field studies by W. F. R. Weldon ( 1860–1906 ) , the biometrical school was able to show that selection did indeed have a measurable effect even on the short term .
12 Eric Newton was able to show that there was no evidence of chemical explosion or sabotage , though his participation in the French investigation put the UK in the position of being a ‘ State providing information at the request of the investigating authority ’ and thereby , under the terms of Annex 13 , a State entitled to participate with a formal accredited representative .
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