Example sentences of "[noun] is simply that the " in BNC.

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1 The second reason for the constancy is simply that the ocean is heated from above , by the Sun .
2 The point is simply that the account of mental processes which folk psychology provides , constitutes an explanation at an appropriate level of abstraction for the purposes of explaining behaviour scientifically .
3 The point is simply that the potential benefits from regulation can be very large .
4 My point is simply that the decision to put something in other words is a decision about style , which like all decisions about style , is constrained by the search for relevance .
5 An alternative explanation for the general enhancement of performance is simply that the subject populations differ between the studies .
6 This is partly due to the relative costs of production and the public 's growing recognition that other countries can make good rugs ; but perhaps the main reason is simply that the output of workshops has increased dramatically in recent years .
7 One reason is simply that the futures industry has never been precise in its thinking on the question ; indeed , it has never found a definition necessary for commercial purposes .
8 However , those who operate the law are well aware that it will only be respected to the extent that it conforms with public opinion : the reason why journalists and broadcasters are not prosecuted much more often for undoubted infringements of the letter of the laws of contempt and official secrecy is simply that the authorities are well aware that up-to-the-hilt enforcement of these vague laws would bring the law into further disrepute , and precipitate precisely the sort of clash between government and the press that it has been the British genius to avoid , whenever possible , by cosy arrangements .
9 My view about the Matsushita response is simply that the Japanese higher education system generally requires knowledge of English , which seems at odds with the Technics explanation .
10 The difference between need and dare and the modals is simply that the latter are by the very nature of their lexical meaning incapable of evoking a reality , while the former can evoke potentialities only in non-assertive use .
11 In the minor works agreement , by contrast , the wording is simply that the contractor shall pay to the employer the liquidated damages .
12 The core of the problem is simply that the judiciary is the creature of the legal profession .
13 One problem is simply that the most interesting recognition measures in these studies were based on ROC curves calculated from only 18 points .
14 The most obvious diagnosis is simply that the initial belief that p , from which the true justified belief that q is inferred , is false .
15 The fact is simply that the two colours do not possess universal symbolic meanings shared by all the peoples of the globe .
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