Example sentences of "[verb] [be] link [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In cases where both men and women have been regularly exposed to it at work , nitrous oxide has been linked to a high rate of miscarriages .
2 The Universal card is such a threat to banks because , unlike Sears ' six-year-old Discover card , it has been linked to the Visa and MasterCard networks from the outset .
3 Since its foundation in 1811 it has been linked to the nearby public school Alleyn 's College of God 's Gift .
4 Already the proposed new conception of national education has been linked to the teaching of English , which tends to suggest a degree of consonance and an elimination of any distinction between them .
5 The spread of the disease has been linked to the prevalence of oilseed rape crops .
6 The drought has been linked to the El Niño Pacific current phenomenon .
7 The Danish international has been linked with a move to Arsenal , but I understand it is the Saints who have made the most serious move to his Italian club , Pisa .
8 He underwent knee surgery recently and Souness insists that although Wright has been linked with a transfer to Sheffield Wednesday he is n't about to Kop a move .
9 Dion Dublin , who has been linked with a number of top clubs , put Cambridge ahead after 53 minutes with his 17th goal of the season .
10 Now Slazenger , which has been linked with the sport for more than 100 years , has produced a new racket design with women , and teenagers in mind .
11 The fact that Baudrillard 's name has been linked with the Situationists should not be held against them .
12 In some areas of upland Britain , a decline in otter populations has been linked with the decline in fish populations in acidified water courses ( Woodin , 1989 ) .
13 Reduced growth in fetal life and infancy has been linked with an increased risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance in adult life .
14 If taken over an extended period , however , patients may start to prove these remedies but fail to realize that new symptoms which they are beginning to experience are linked to the remedy which they are taking .
15 Mrs Thatcher , in effect , did not anticipate being linked to the monetary system of an increasingly interventionist Europe in her political lifetime .
16 He has denied the decision to quit is linked to the Hagans case .
17 The explosions may have been linked with a particularly violent six-week strike by railway workers in which seven people have died .
18 The report stated that a study had been made of an incinerator at Bonnybridge in Scotland that suggested an increased level of twinning in cattle , and possibly in humans , that may have been linked with the emission of PCHs and other substances from the plant .
19 Professor Cecilio Simon , a Black Panamanian and Dean of the school of Public Administration at the University of Panama , said the US action in Curundu may have been linked to a 5,000 strong demonstration two days earlier by people protesting the destruction of their homes .
20 Most often , though , lamas were stylistically portrayed as winged hybrid creatures and may have been linked to the later goddess-spirit who presided over the home and heart , Lamaria .
21 The attack was believed to have been linked to the second anniversary on Dec. 9 of the Palestinian intifada in the occupied territories .
22 Normally it is unnecessary to make special provision for this since the rent the tenant pays is linked to the rent he receives .
23 A law enforcement source , speaking on condition of anonymity , said the person arrested had been linked to a rental van that investigators believed played a role in the bombing .
24 By the early 1980s this strategy had been linked to the idea of local government acting as a mobilising force for working-class organisations and radical action groups of various kinds ( Blunkett and Green 1983 ; Gyford 1983b ; Boddy and Fudge 1984 ; Seyd 1987:Ch. 6 ) .
25 A notable casualty of the reshuffle was the Minister for Institutional Relations , Antoine Ntashamaje , who was dismissed apparently because his son had been linked to the rebel activity .
26 He denied that the paramilitaries had been linked to the drug traffickers or had been responsible for the massacres of campesinos attributed to them .
27 Indeed by the time a modern 486 machine or an SE or LC Macintosh had been linked into a network the distinction was almost meaningless .
28 Rumours about them had circulated for several years but this was the first time they had been linked by a named source — former US ambassador Lewis Fields .
29 Such social class disparities have been linked to a variety of factors , for example , the deficiency of safe play areas for children of the lower social class groups is offered as one explanation for the high rate among them of pedestrian fatalities .
30 Sometimes small bungalows have been built in the grounds of residential homes , in other developments they have been linked to a warden 's bungalow by means of alarm bells .
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