Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] else have " in BNC.

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1 it made eating and doing a little more exciting to know that someone else had just ceased doing these basic human things for ever .
2 I would like to know if anyone else has had to pay for shore dives as I am told this is an illegal practice .
3 We spent some more time moving around Leicester , going from tavern to tavern trying to discover if anyone else had seen Irvine 's strange companion .
4 In order that the CAA and AAIB can decide on appropriate action , they need to know whether anyone else has had a similar failure or found signs of overheating on one of these units and not told them about it .
5 I found out er today I do n't know whether anybody else has er heard of this that there is a proposal coming er up to er for for the Isle of Man company which owns most of the Ellesmere shopping centre site er to purchase the Market Hall and er convert it er or whatever er the suggestion is into a supermarket .
6 You would think that somebody else had been in control of our public finances for the past fourteen years . ’
7 Suddenly the section of the audience that was laughing at Italian children flinging spaghetti realised that everyone else had fallen silent .
8 you might also wish to pursue , or hope that someone else had pursued , the new Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law and Practice .
9 One person spent illicit hours at Saatchi 's designing our logo ; WTN allowed a lot of things to go through the system — printing , photocopying , artwork ; Gina got the entire staff of her office converted to the cause within weeks and it seemed that everyone else had done the same : soon members ' colleagues , friends and relatives were all helping out .
10 A second inventory was then ordered to see if anything else had gone missing , and Mme Huyghe 's disgrace looked to be complete .
11 He looks up , surprised , then glances round to see if anyone else has noticed .
12 But look a little more deeply and you will see that something else has happened too ; if a number of people have gone down with the cold , does not it mean that a number of people have not gone down with the cold ?
13 Then , waiting until everyone else had taken their pictures , I crept forward until I was only a few metres from the bird .
14 He would have to telephone around and see if anyone else had any titbits to add to the mystery .
15 But Stanley , I think , gave that film a style it would n't have had if someone else had directed it . ’
16 This is purported to walk the grave yard at certain times of the year , but firm evidence of this I 've not been able to find ; you always hear that someone else has seen it but never first hand .
17 Particularly note if anyone else has a right over your land in respect of paths , drives , drains , mains services , mining for minerals , use of streams or beds of streams etc , and note whether your external drains and mains services cross anyone else 's land .
18 ‘ I hope my getting it does n't mean that someone else has been disappointed .
19 Rachel turned in the cramped space and saw that someone else had joined them on the jig .
20 He wandered along the Charing Cross Road , trying to think what to do next , Galahad on hearing that someone else had found the Holy Grail , Knight Errant without an errand .
21 Piggy felt that everybody else had held onto their civilised upbringing like himself and he was always very surprised when nobody tried to steal the conch , right to speak , from him , but everyone else knew that democracy and civilisation on the island had ended , and the conch had lost all of its power and worth .
22 If he had been aware that she 'd gone , he would probably have assumed that someone else had taken her home .
23 Donor organs are also possibly lost due to physicians avoiding raising the issue with relatives , although many relatives may find some comfort from knowing that someone else has benefited from their loss .
24 I 've got a couple of things I 'd really like to mention if no-one else has got anything .
25 The poser 's cafe had free newspapers and she filled in the crosswords shamelessly , was even miffed if someone else had got there first , especially with a blue Biro : Alex used a black Biro for crosswords .
26 We ca n't know what would have happened if it had tried something else , nor ( and this is important ) what would have happened if someone else had tried the original solution .
27 They summed up your guitar playing as nobody else has been able to do . ’
28 They waited until everyone else had gone down the steps .
29 Because he knows that somebody else has has been offered it for twenty quid .
30 If you leave your gear on stage , you may find that someone else has moved it for you , and they wo n't be as careful as you .
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