Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] have found " in BNC.

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1 I 'm gon na ring them up and say that I 've found her !
2 A Geneva-based consultancy hired by the United Nations to investigate the allegations subsequently reported that it had found no evidence that any hazardous waste had been exported to Somalia .
3 But I cooled him out and he agreed to come along to a new rehearsal place that we 'd found , The Rose And Crown in Wandsworth .
4 From this will be deducted the amount that you have earned if you have found another job .
5 Please let any of us know if you have found anyone who did n't .
6 She swears Harriet never took those fool pills and she wants to know if anyone has found any in the cottage .
7 I do n't know whether you 've found time to consider my request for help with the publication of this response ?
8 He looked at the number plate and realized that he had found the sole piece of ostentation Miss Morgan had allowed herself ; she had been Angela Jane Morgan and the car was AJM 563 .
9 Since the war had interrupted his career as a merchant , Peto needed to find an alternative outlet for his many talents and interests , and when childhood friend Ervin Marton , a photographer and designer domiciled in France , introduced him to photography , he quickly realised that he had found his true artistic vocation .
10 Having stopped a couple of times for refreshment , Fabia returned to her hotel around six o'clock , and realised that she had found Mariánské Láznë quite enchanting .
11 Early this year they announced that they had found the 17 keV neutrino again , with a far greater degree of sensitivity than any previous experiment .
12 In 1990 , to great excitement , Kenneth Blum of the University of Texas at San Antonio , and Ernest Noble of the University of California , Los Angeles , announced that they had found a gene peculiarly common among alcoholics .
13 In March 1988 Glencar announced that it had found deposits of gold , estimating the reserves at £300 million .
14 The RRA monitored the dumping operation , however , and on April Fools Day 1980 Michael Linehan of the RRA announced that he had found exposed sacks of asbestos waste at the Barnahely dump .
15 As an example of the pitfalls involved in drafting questions , we can consider the fuss that there was in 1983 when Hill announced that he had found that as many as 40 per cent of six-year-old children had seen ‘ video-nasties ’ ( i.e. video films of horror , violence , and sadistic sex ) .
16 The Committee for Independent Research and Information on Radioactivity ( CRII-RAD ) revealed that it had found traces of plutonium at the dump .
17 ( I remember having an urgent telephone call from a professional astronomer who believed that he had found a bright nova .
18 Even now he could n't stop himself from making a comic routine out of it : looking at his fingers , his face screwed up in disgust , pretending that he 'd found something unspeakably revolting in the depths of his pocket .
19 He added that he had found an " eagerness " among US businesses to return to South Africa .
20 Yet the paradox is that we only use the word hypocrisy when we have reasons for believing that we have found the thing itself .
21 Today , we reach the end of the series ; I hope that you have found that the series has improved your prayer life , as we have looked at the whole subject from several different angles .
22 They announce that they have found the holy grail .
23 There they wait until they have found housing and jobs .
24 Erm we are looking and we have found in a sense erm land which er is available erm to meet the provisions , the a hundred and forty five hectares that the Greater York study suggested .
25 building si building developers and they sort of stop because they 've found another unexploded bomb .
26 ‘ What on earth did you do after you 'd found this unknown girl in your house ? ’
27 With an opportunity we do not know exactly where we want to go until we have found it .
28 She looked at your nursery , and all the things you 'd got , and said you could stay until they 'd found suitable adoptive parents .
29 I 'll stay until I 've found somewhere decent .
30 I would always stay until you had found someone to replace me . ’
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