Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] mean that the " in BNC.

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1 But that did not mean that the ethos of a Roman catholic state would be in any way diminished , only that the form of political religious power would be different .
2 Evidence of salmonella in chickens or in the hen house did not mean that the eggs were infected to levels that could cause food poisoning , he said .
3 This did not mean that the play itself was not exciting as drama , but it meant that for Eliot , intent on his search for a vital relation between ritual and art , this play would not suffice .
4 Nevertheless , the formation of the canon of writings did not mean that the living tradition of the teaching Church was downgraded .
5 However , acknowledging the right did not mean that the party favoured people using it .
6 If they were not employed , that did not mean that the legacy was at once void ; but if it was to be saved , all depended on construing the necessary verba sollemnia .
7 Yet this did not mean that the natives were aware that Russia had ‘ owned ’ the region from ancient times , or that they would be prepared to agree to this state of affairs .
8 Reliance was placed on Director of Public Prosecutions v. Ellis [ 1973 ] 1 W.L.R. 722 , where it was held that the fact that two accused persons had been prosecuted to conviction did not mean that the purposes of Part I of the Act , namely securing compliance with and detecting evasion of the Act , were spent ; and that accordingly it was still open to the authorities to employ their powers to obtain information relative to the same transaction from another person .
9 For a period of months , several hundred school children in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets — mostly Bangladeshi in origin — had been without places but the court held this did not mean that the respondents were in breach of their duty if they were taking steps to remedy the situation .
10 However , the fact that women 's health was no longer used as a reason for limiting their paid employment did not mean that the belief in women 's proper place being at home faded completely from view .
11 As Barghoorn and Remington go on to point out , however , this did not mean that the government bureaucrats could not influence decisions and occasionally obstruct their implementation .
12 That , however , did not mean that the clause necessarily gave the sellers a valid defence because the clause still had to satisfy the recent legislation on exemption clauses ( see further , paragraph 10–21 below ) .
13 Ochirbat stated that the reforms were intended to " develop socialism into a humane democratic society " and as such were based on what already had been achieved and did not mean that the country " must go over to capitalism " .
14 The change did not mean that the new recruits to Parliament were any less committed to socialism : indeed , many of them probably understood its teachings even better than had the bulk of MPs of the pre-war era .
15 Aldous J. concluded , however , that the proportion of turnover attributable to ‘ R ’ model sales did not mean that the employer had gained any benefit as such .
16 Broadly speaking the responses were taken as a reaffirmation of the existing partnership at two levels — between the Council and institutions , and between subject boards and academic staff : ‘ the mechanisms proposed in the paper for modifying the partnership had clearly been rejected ’ , but the rejection of the proposals did not mean that the matter could there rest .
17 The adverse act required under Morris did not mean that the prosecution had to prove that the appropriation was not done with the authority of the owner because so to hold was inconsistent with Lawrence .
18 In Bryson [ 1985 ] Crim LR 669 ( CA ) , it was decided that the fact that harm was probable did not mean that the accused intended that harm .
19 It certainly did not mean that the two movements had been fused into a single whole .
20 When , therefore , Nesselrode said that the European revolutions of 1830 turned Nicholas into " the impartial defender of European equilibrium " , he did not mean that the tsar had decided to back his " impartiality " with force .
21 ALTHOUGH from March to the end of May , the main German effort took place on the Left Bank of the Meuse , this did not mean that the Right Bank had become a ‘ quiet sector ’ .
22 By this , I do not mean that the animal uses neurones , whereas the computer uses transistors .
23 If the relationship between two variables entirely disappears when a causally prior variable is brought under control , we say that the original relationship was spurious ; by this we do not mean that the bivariate effect did not really exist , but rather that causal conclusions drawn from it would be incorrect .
24 These errors do not mean that the main qualities of the mind and the soul are not biologically inherited : they show simply that scientists are ordinary people .
25 They note in using the term " sufficient condition " that they do not mean that the condition-set is genuinely sufficient for the occurrence of the effect .
26 By this I do not mean that the question of criteria is unimportant , or that the distinction remains meaningful even if there are no ontological objects at all to which it might be applied .
27 The results do not mean that the bottom left quadrants are not cash cows .
28 The discouraging results of oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation in this trial do not mean that the operation has no place in the management of variceal bleeding .
29 These expressions do not mean that the parties have the right to be heard at a formal hearing : what they convey is that the parties can state their case in writing .
30 I did n't mean that the way it sounded , ’ she apologised .
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