Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] from all [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They are gathered together from all over the retina into a single bundle , which is the optic nerve for that eye .
2 Someone had ‘ discovered ’ Heymouth years before , and the beauty of this little fishing village cast an irresistible spell on those who , undaunted by its remote situation and the lack of organized transport , began to stream in from all over Britain .
3 Work has come in from all over the UK , and even the charity Farm Africa uses the Hoy facility .
4 When we heard about , when we heard about the faxes that had come in from all around the world .
5 And the Bishop married me there and the vicar and er quite a lot of people had come there from all over like because I was being marrying in the Welsh church you see , I did n't have a lot of And the Bishop married me , that was something for them to come .
6 Joseph Frazer 's noted Ship Chandlery , one of many such businesses once so common in Butetown , has been adapted to house an exhibition which tells the fascinating story of the Port of Cardiff and the people who came here from all over the world to create a remarkable cosmopolitan community .
7 The success of the promotion has led to requests for information flooding in from all over Europe and the US .
8 The enormous number of immigrants who poured in from all over the country congested the old area within the medieval walls of the City and created new suburbs all around .
9 There was a surge in so-called hotting displays 18 months ago , during the warm summer nights , when people turned up from all over the country to watch .
10 There was a surge in so-called hotting displays 18 months ago , during the warm summer nights , when people turned up from all over the country to watch .
11 Around 70 bidders turned up from all over the country and auctioneer , Barry Bufton was optimistic .
12 Although many of the better-paid staff , especially those with engineering expertise , were brought in from all over the country , much of the local labour came from the town of Bridgwater , ten miles away by road .
13 The thousands of items on her shopping list are brought in from all over the world in quantities that could feed a small town — 70 tonnes of sausages , 300 tonnes of tomatoes , 250,000 pints of milk , six million eggs and 350,000 litres of fresh orange juice .
14 ‘ I had no idea what the response would be , but all of a sudden all this equipment started coming in from all over the world .
15 They knew I was catching the plane ; they came running in from all over the place with their big zoom lenses and what they want is : the butterfly 's wings are broken , so let's get a picture of her face .
16 And orders are rolling in from all over Europe .
17 Russia 's independent Union of Drivers has sent trucks to the coal fields to distribute the food donations that have poured in from all over the country .
18 As the final election results come in from all over the country , it is clear they will be helping to run many Soviet towns and cities .
19 Some of them come back from all over Britain .
20 Khalifas come here from all over India and Pakistan to participate . ’
21 The voice of the future mimes the supposed experts who presume to know what lies in wait : ‘ Soon the ecopolitical system will crumble , and sado-experts will fly in from all over the world and poke into its smoking entrails and utter smooching agnostications ’ ( 15 ) , or : ‘ The ecozoologists will then fly in from all over the world and poke its entrails and fraudcast a stooging diregnosis ’ ( 18 ) .
22 The voice of the future mimes the supposed experts who presume to know what lies in wait : ‘ Soon the ecopolitical system will crumble , and sado-experts will fly in from all over the world and poke into its smoking entrails and utter smooching agnostications ’ ( 15 ) , or : ‘ The ecozoologists will then fly in from all over the world and poke its entrails and fraudcast a stooging diregnosis ’ ( 18 ) .
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