Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] to [art] right " in BNC.

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1 Politically , Ratliff stands somewhere to the right of Robert E. Lee .
2 But by March that year the Chiefs of Staff were recording a victory for their view of the Middle East , and were arguing that this implied that Britain must hang on to the right to return to bases in Egypt , even in the absence of agreement .
3 Her cave lies just to the right of the waterfall .
4 The low sun made the street wall cast a long black shadow over half the garden , but it stopped just to the right of her patch .
5 Even before his death in 1911 Stolypin 's position had become untenable , and thereafter the government moved further to the Right , and ministers treated the Duma with ever greater contempt .
6 He glanced up at the sky and remarked : ‘ There 's nowhere to go at this time of night ’ , at which I said that I would be going home , and moved off to the right .
7 On reaching the crossroads , we moved quickly to the right , and up the very dusty road leading to the village .
8 The road bent slightly to the right .
9 The 401st moved slightly to the right to avoid it , but ran into an even heavier barrage that knocked down one B–17 from the 612th in the Group .
10 Climbing up to the right and beyond Cow Dub , I followed the beck , dry where it had drained away through the limestone but flowing where the bands of sandstone outcropped , until on the open fell the limestone gave way to glacial moraine and the beck gurgled noisily back down towards Cow Dub .
11 Immediately after the war , the United States moved politically to the right and Europe moved dramatically to the left — the prewar establishments had been discredited by appeasement and collaboration .
12 Kelly was excellent at right back , as was Dorigo on the left : once in the first half he stepped in from the left to tidy up the ball from charging Ippo players , strolled over to the right , and set up a counter attack down the flank , all with great ease ; he looks great .
13 By this , we mean that it will ascend perfectly when the sail is under pressure , and the line tension applies a driving force ; but it will tumble or spin off to the right or left if the line tension is relaxed .
14 The Shah had made a showplace of his country with his colossal purchasing of weapons , and look what it had all come to : ‘ If you drive from Shiraz to Isfahan even today you 'll see hundreds of helicopters parked off to the right of the highway .
15 I would have moved slightly to the right , I w I was the first objective while you 're looking is to get out of the door .
16 ‘ I 'm hating every minute of it ! ’ she said in a shaking voice , and then the plane veered sharply to the right and Damian moved away from her .
17 ‘ It will open if tugged sharply to the right . ’
18 Then his feet were on the stairs and he was walking down the narrow , dark steps , which twisted sharply to the right .
19 He was looking neither to the right nor the left but out to sea , where a round ship was coming in from the south-east , her sails shuddering , her course designed to intersect with the Genoese just outside the harbour .
20 Stimuli were presented either to the right or left of a fixation point which had a digit presentation for the same duration as the sign or word stimuli .
21 The voters , in other words , had not moved solidly to the right , their position was one of ambivalence ; they had become deeply sceptical about the role of government and yet they still expected government to aid them as they tried to meet the pressing problems of modern life .
22 Go past High Close youth hostel before branching off to the right on to a path which goes around the lower slopes of Loughrigg Fell to Rydal village ( 2.5 miles ) .
23 Approaching from Sedbergh , The Street turns off to the right immediately after Rawthey Bridge and climbs steeply before contouring , with excellent views denied to the motorist on the A683 , alongside a moorland pockmarked with shakeholes .
24 The road continues south , climbing over a rise with a good retrospective view of the full length of Kingsdale and then makes a long descent to Thornton in Lonsdale after a branch turns off to the right for the A65 at Westhouse .
25 From the village centre , the Thornton road descends sharply initially and when it levels , a side road called Oddies Lane turns off to the right .
26 Here a track turns off to the right to mount the gentle slope where , at mid-height , a short detour to the left reveals Storrs Cave .
27 A short distance up the road from the Hill Inn , a bridleway turns off to the right and , with Ingleborough looming directly in front , passes along an easy terrace to reach a gate in a cross-wall after half a mile .
28 Almost opposite this is a road which turns off to the right down to Rabaçal ( 64km ) at a height of 1,070m .
29 As the road leaves Clashnessie Bay , the hamlet of the same name is passed and after a further mile a side road turns off to the right and crosses the bare and windswept peninsula , the Ru Stoer , to a lighthouse where it ends at a parking place for cars .
30 At Fabian , three miles further on , a road turns off to the right up into the mountains : I shall come back to this in a moment .
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