Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] that it seemed " in BNC.

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1 She had said , her eyes glittering with simulated enthusiasm , that she could hardly wait to get to her cottage , and Betty had said wistfully that it seemed like years since she had seen a blade of grass ( which was silly in itself , because of what else were the lawns of Hyde Park composed ? ) ; so Lydia , unhinged with the shock of bereavement , and further undone by wine , had said she could come too .
2 Cardiff had supervised the clearance of the office block , noting wryly that it seemed easier to clear everyone out than it had been to get his original team established .
3 It was the same at the funeral , they were all so quiet , the four men who brought in the coffin wore thick soft-soled shoes so as not to make a noise , nothing must interrupt so that it seemed like a silent film unreeling to the sound of psalms .
4 We had such happy family holidays in the drizzle waiting for the sun to try and come out that it seemed churlish to spoil things with science .
5 I said then that it seemed to me that the Consolidated Fund Bill would provide an opportunity to debate it — possibly at some length .
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