Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] long period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Particular units who operated for long periods at a time in the jungle became so adept in their surroundings they became known as ‘ Green Ghosts ’ .
2 I have found that the pupils designated as having moderate learning difficulties that I have worked with can : concentrate for long periods of time ; sustain protracted investigations ; be systematic ; reason logically ; find patterns and relationships ; make and test predictions ; generalise ; record and explain their findings .
3 In religious organizations reconciliation can persist for long periods of time .
4 Frankly there just is n't the money to go around , and kids are being made to suffer for long periods of time er for operations which really could be done if only they had the money .
5 In towns and cities which are occupied for long periods of time , there is a continuous process of old buildings being demolished and levelled for the construction of new ones , which in turn become old and are demolished .
6 Depending on the nature of the defect , electrons may remain trapped for long periods of time ; such a trap would be referred to as ‘ deep ’ .
7 He was very tired and found it hard to concentrate for long periods of time .
8 The minor claim is simply that if you it 's an empirical claim it says if you look at the fossil record , and you look in detail at the changes in the fossils , what you observe is not continuous steady change , but you see what they call stasis — that is nothing much happening for long periods of time , perhaps for millions of years , and then rather suddenly changes taking place .
9 In household pets whose exercise is limited the presence of the tracheal nodules is well tolerated , and animals can survive for long periods with little distress .
10 Daphnia will survive for long periods in your tank .
11 These muscles have the function of keeping us upright against the ever-present force of gravity ; they have the advantage of never tiring as they need to work for long periods at a time .
12 You will need to be able to work for long periods with a high degree of accuracy , and have really good eyesight .
13 The sharp bright sunshine , accompanied by cold winds and interspersed with long periods of heavy rain , had at last given way to real spring weather , warm sunshine and feathery showers .
14 In France , for instance , a country not included in the comparison , the bursts of activity and membership growth — interspersed with long periods of relative dormancy — seem to have depended more on political events ( as in 1936 , 1947 , and post-1968 ) than upon changing economic circumstances ( Sellier , 1978 ) .
15 Because we are realising what television can not admit ; that nothing much happens for long periods of time .
16 The twelfth century was characterized , therefore , by fewer but more protracted wars , which smouldered for long periods between short , sharp bouts of conflict , like the war that covered must of the reigns of Henry I of England and Louis VI of France , the one inaugurated by the great rebellion of 1173 , which outlived both Louis VII and Henry II , or that against Catalan claims in the south .
17 Some studies have used marks on shells that would disappear if shells decrease in size ; it is known that molluscs can remain living for long periods without detectable growth ; and some studies have recorded negative growth but dismissed it as apparent error .
18 What we are saying there are other emergencies and I get down to the word loneliness now is there any reason why senior citizens should n't have the facility whereby they can make telephone calls if those , they so desire , to members of the family who in many instances they have n't seen for long periods of time ?
19 Unlike conventional spring-loaded shears , which are heavy to use , and which work through a linkage which becomes worn with use , the Master and Multi Shears are lightweight , and can be operated for long periods without hand strain , even by people with limited hand strength .
20 The tape recorders were supplied by the British Ferrograph Company of South Shields , who made an extremely high-quality and tough recorder capable of operating for long periods without attention .
21 They were executed or sentenced to long periods of forced labour .
22 It partly corresponds to the asthenosphere , the plastic-like properties of which permits slow ‘ flow ’ of material in response to forces applied over long periods of time ( Fig. 2.7 ) .
23 The suggestion was that just as the energy of electrons is discharged in discrete amounts , or quanta , so energy is expended in near-shore sedimentary environments within short time intervals that are separated by long periods of relative calm .
24 Creams or ointments containing steroids often help reduce the inflammation and itching in the skin but should n't be used for long periods of time .
25 A biomaterial may also have to function for long periods of time in the body .
26 Do not work for long periods without a break .
27 In this research , palynology was dominant for many years but subsequently enormous potential has been offered by research developed by F. Oldfield on mineral magnetic properties which are valuable because many magnetic properties are environmentally diagnostic , are preserved for long periods in many situations , and have parameters which are easy to measure .
28 The boilers to raise the necessary steam were of ‘ Lancashire ’ type , the characteristics of which enable a small amount of steam to be supplied over long periods with a minimum of attention , which was the type of duty envisaged for this plant .
29 Isolated for long periods amongst little-known peoples , our sole defence lay in a sort of encounter therapy , a complete vulnerability to our hosts ' ways of being and seeing .
30 Do n't sunbathe for long periods in the same position .
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