Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the public [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gilroy reminds us that black political protest in the streets and urban crime have very successfully become fused in the public eye .
2 If they , they demonstrate good consensus , they will both win in the public opinion enormously .
4 After a period of blossoming in the 1970s , during which time homosexuals came into the public eye and fought militantly for their rights , the majority of gay organisations became institutionalised .
5 Ex-music journalist Nick Kelly and his band first came into the public eye in 1989 with the release of the excellent single ‘ Arclight ’ , which was voted Single of the Year in the 1989 Hot Press readers ' poll .
6 From a plan , lately begun by another person who wished to assist Mr. Green , he hopes he shall not be injured in the public opinion , as the difference between a plan made from an actual survey , with accurate instruments , and conducted upon principles true in theory ( which will be explained to every scientific enquirer ) and one made by striding , is too palpable to escape observations . ’
7 Tenor saxophonist Joe Lovano ( b. 1952 ) has in some respects come up the hard way ; passing the 40-year mark last year , he 's nevertheless a craftsman often overlooked in the public eye in favour of younger more ‘ marketable ’ musicians .
8 Manuilsky and Kuusinen were replaced in the public eye by Dimitrov , the " Reichstag hero " and new Comintern Chairman .
9 But the curious pair who for a time were so well-known simply for being rich vanished from the public eye — towards a tax haven in Jersey .
10 If there is any issue you would like us to put to the Public Opinion test please let the editor know .
11 They tell the story of a life lived in the public eye , but now 45 are up for sale .
12 They tell the story of a life lived in the public eye , but now 45 are up for sale .
13 In this way he would , much as Darwin had during the voyage of the Beagle , remain in the public eye all the time he was away .
14 For a while , the most successful pop groups had the power to shift mass consciousness to an unprecedented degree and this confidence expressed itself in a plethora of new sexualities brought into the public eye , offered up for public consumption and then put into practice in people 's lives .
15 The phrase ‘ the military-industrial complex ’ , though brought into the public eye by Eisenhower , is associated with critical elite theorists such as Wright Mills who bear responsibility for identifying and defining the problem .
16 THE 200pc tax slapped on European wine imports by the United States has brought into the public eye the bewildering tangle of international trade agreements or lack of them which come under the umbrella of GATT ( the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ) .
17 The invitation to appear on it came at very short notice , and even though she 's no longer modelling except at charity functions , she feels a need to keep in the public eye , so she did n't want to turn it down , but she insisted that Florian and I should keep to our plans . ’
18 ‘ The fact that she has to live in the public eye , I mean , I would slit my wrists already .
19 ( It was during this festival that Jimi Somerville emerged into the public eye . )
20 Where Richardson wrote his novels , and his heroines their letters , in little closets removed from the public eye , Jane Austen and her heroines spend their time in parlours which are anything but private .
21 Here only a very few unusual men are retained in the public eye for prolonged periods .
22 Record companies , managers or anyone in the music business can only notice your music if your band is at a venue playing in the public eye .
23 BRITTEN 'S Miss Wordsworth , primmest of Suffolk schoolma'ms , would no doubt have balked at setting before the public eye any but her most promising music pupils .
24 The stars are kept in the public eye by the film press . ’
25 It is very important to keep our name and work in the public eye and if you know about a suitable event , but feel you can not cope with it yourself , please contact me for help .
26 The subject returned to the public eye , however , with the formation by two Cambridge graduates of the Homosexual Law Reform Society , a pressure group whose aim was to see the Wolfenden proposals enacted .
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