Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the appropriate [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To wait for the appropriate moment .
2 If the point is finally disposed of by the European Court and if the judgment goes against the United Kingdom , then the question will arise about the appropriate response to bring the legal system into line with the State 's international obligations .
3 If progress during this initial period is satisfactory , the student is then registered for the appropriate degree , e.g. PhD .
4 Credit will be given for the appropriate use of complex sentences , punctuation and vocabulary , and for grammatical accuracy .
5 There was a red light up , and he was stopped by a policeman as he reached the opposite pavement and duly asked for the appropriate number of marks .
6 The statutory power to recommend a minimum period might , in practice , have been used to create a tariff among the judges for all murders , so that the recommended minimum came to be regarded as the appropriate period of detention , subject only to the question whether the prisoner was a danger to the public when it expired .
7 If no more than the contents of medium silt , fine silt or clay are required , aliquots may be withdrawn after the appropriate time intervals and the relative abundance calculated from differences in weights of suspension in each .
8 Bookings made before the end of November , however , will still qualify for the appropriate discount .
9 It sounds like the Velvet Underground mixed with … ’ — and she searches for the appropriate ingredient — ‘ … with Nico . ’
10 ‘ As for the Handscomb case , the ratio decidendi was that a sentence of 27 years was so far beyond anything which the judiciary could have recommended as the appropriate tariff , that the decision to postpone the first review until 1991 was one which no reasonable Secretary of State could have reached .
11 The section does not apply to contractual guarantees , as between a seller and a purchaser , as these are obviously caught under the appropriate sections of the UCTA relating to contracts , in so far as they should be caught at all ( see s 5(3) ) .
12 If different addresses are used , these must be substituted in the appropriate program lines .
13 All Commonwealth citizens and citizens of the Republic of Ireland are entitled to vote if they are 18 , are resident in a parliamentary constituency on the qualifying date , and are not subject to any legal incapacity and appear in the appropriate register of electors .
14 Taken together , our results indicate that the putative activator develops only full activity when located in the appropriate vicinity and bound to the corresponding trans-acting factors .
15 If the language is one for which paradigmatic displays of verbs , noun classes , pronouns , or the like would be useful , these can be included in the appropriate lesson and/or an appendix .
16 If added water constitutes more than 5% of total product weight , that , too , must be included in the appropriate place in the list of ingredients .
17 So a Pacific as defined by such minds might fall within the appropriate longitudes and latitudes , but it would be riddled with holes , a discontinuous mess , a collection of unconnected pieces of sea and land established principally to prove an argument about an entity of which they make up only a fraction .
18 Remuneration was claimed from the appropriate area legal aid committee .
19 Those who are removed from the Register by the Professional Conduct Committee or Health Committee and are aggrieved by that decision may appeal to the appropriate Appeal Court for the part of the UK in which they reside .
20 The addressing mode fields ( one per operand ) each specify an accumulator ( or none ) whose contents are to be added to the appropriate operand ( or " displacement " ) field to generate an effective address .
21 The resultant value is then manipulated in the appropriate way : for example , AH causes the 32-bit value to be added to the appropriate 32-bit accumulator .
22 In vitro kinase assays were performed in a 30 µl reaction which contained the following ; 10 µg HeLa nuclear extract ( 28 ) or 200 ng of purified DNA-PK ( a gift from C.Anderson ) , 250 ng substrate protein , 25 mM Hepes pH 7.5 , 12.5 mM MgCl 2 , 20% glycerol , 0.1% NP-40 , 100 mM KCl , 50 µM ATP ( containing 10 µCi [ γ 32 P ] ATP ; 6000 Ci/mmol ) and 1 mM DTT. 200 ng of linearised DNA template was added to the appropriate reaction as indicated in the text .
23 It is important , but less important than keeping the boundaries , that 's only my view , and he along with Malcolm here , suggests that either myself or the Council or the Chairman of Council , somebody writes to the appropriate Secretary of State , to bring these matters to their attention .
24 News releases are sent out regularly — on average 1 per week , targeted to the appropriate media and other organisations .
25 The initial requirement is a tension square in your own choice of yarn and stitch pattern and the stitches and rows are used to set the Knitleader to work to the appropriate measurements .
26 Queries about procedures should be addressed to the appropriate Faculty Administrative Officer .
27 It is important that the transmittal letter is correctly addressed to the appropriate executive .
28 The form should be addressed to the appropriate District Land Registry and should contain the title number and a full description of the property by reference to the necessary elements of its address .
29 Enquiries should be addressed to the appropriate department or to the Postgraduate Secretary of the Faculty concerned .
30 This was music to my ears and , after dropping him off , headed to the appropriate bridge and then down to the canal .
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