Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [be] entitled to " in BNC.

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1 This was an attempt by a local authority to object to the level of grant it was deemed to be entitled to from the central government .
2 He claimed to be entitled to rectification of the register both as against the Hammonds and as against the building society .
3 the extension of the care premium for eight weeks after the claimant ceases to be entitled to Invalid Care Allowance .
4 The view might be held that s3 has no application to such a clause , because s3 only applies to clauses under which the proferens purports to be entitled to a performance diffferent from that reasonably expected , whereas the effect of the clause quoted above is to define the performance which may reasonably be expected of the seller , so that the buyer can not reasonably expect any particular delivery date .
5 Spain claim to be entitled to a seeding at England 's expense because they finished seventh in the Mexico World Cup finals in 1986 , one place ahead of England .
6 An example is the Vaccine Damage Tribunals established under s.4 of the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979 to review questions of the extent and cause of disablement by persons claiming to be entitled to payments under the Act as a result of disabilities arising from vaccination damage .
7 By an originating summons dated 15 April 1992 the plaintiff , the Deposit Protection Board , sought relief against the defendants , Mrs. Varsha Dalia and Barclays Bank Plc. , namely ( 1 ) that it might be determined whether a person entitled by reason of assignment of part of a deposit ( as defined by section 5(1) of the Banking Act 1987 ) was a depositor holding a protected deposit entitled to a compensation payment from the plaintiff pursuant to section 58(1) of the Banking Act 1987 ; ( 2 ) that an order be made that the first defendant should represent that class of persons claiming to be entitled to compensation payments from the plaintiff pursuant to section 58(1) of the Banking Act 1987 by reason of assignment of part of a deposit held with Bank of Credit and Commerce International S.A. ; and ( 3 ) that an order be made that the second defendant should represent that class of persons being contributory institutions within the meaning of section 52(1) of the Banking Act 1987 .
8 After the death of Stewart , the present plaintiffs — his executor and Charlton — asked Casey to return the letters patent : Casey refused , claiming to be entitled to possession as owner of a third share , and registered the letter set out above .
9 Co-opted members of council committees continued to be entitled to a financial loss allowance if they could show loss of earnings resulting from council work .
10 and they thought , they said then it was connected with the accident , erm because it , you know , she was in such a bad way , and , the other fellow was to blame , I think he 'd been drinking , I 'm not sure , but they 're claiming off the insurance and they reckon she 's gon na be entitled to around a hundred thousand pounds compensation , because , not only has she had these physical injuries , but because she had a knock on the head it 's also affecting her mental state
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