Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] trouble of " in BNC.

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1 The main problem is that the cost of most new resistors and capacitors is now so low that it is barely worthwhile going to the trouble of removing and testing them .
2 Given full rein to run as far as they want , the plants are living very well and do n't feel in any particular danger , so there is no need for them to waste energy by perpetuating the species and going to the trouble of producing flower and setting seed .
3 It 's even worth going to the trouble of sending your own System file of font suitcases .
4 My own guess is that there was no significant demand for free condoms ; nobody is going to go to the trouble of collecting free condoms who would not be prepared to buy them for himself .
5 From this point onwards it was entirely unnecessary for a testator to go to the trouble of writing a general damnatio in his will .
6 It may be asked why it was necessary to go to the trouble of carving a model which by all accounts may only have been used once , when the same procedure , in fine day would produce a mould directly .
7 The high standards aimed at in such a sifting process are important if we want teachers to go to the trouble of organizing the use of our materials in their teaching .
8 Since he wanted to delay the ceremony , but did n't want to go to the trouble of desecrating any graves , he only had one option .
9 It would be a waste of time actually to go to the trouble of filling the space itself with blanks .
10 Interesting that Bill 's going to go to the trouble of taking out windows putting in
11 WHEN Ron Dennis , the managing director of McLaren International , goes to the trouble of stressing that his team intend to continue giving Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost impartial treatment during the final two races , such a commendably even-handed approach immediately arouses suspicion in a sport governed by an organisation which is not exactly noted for its equitable methods .
12 The Epitome or Gaius ' Institutes still distinguishes between legacies and trusts , and even goes to the trouble of explaining what the difference is .
13 I once went to the trouble of having a pair made in the finest white doeskin but fortunately I have now outgrown such extravagances in much the same way that I have outgrown the petty conversations and banal posturings of those who frequent literary gatherings or , worse , television studio canteens .
14 William Houstoun went to the trouble of making drawings in the West Indies , which he bequeathed to Philip Miller and from these Sir Joseph Banks published the engravings as Reliquiae Houstounianae ( 1781 ) .
15 Although the Chinese transformed rhinoceros horn into forms of customary refinement , it seems unlikely that they went to the trouble of removing agglutinated masses of hair from rhinoceros snouts and lavishing such skill on them for purely aesthetic reasons .
16 We at least went to the trouble of asking them . ’
17 And afterwards they went to the trouble of calling out the Carabinieri to make sure I did n't die of exposure .
18 Senior mandarins had gone to the trouble of finding accommodation for Labour 's promised Ministry for Women .
19 Who had gone to the trouble of making such notes ?
20 At any rate , it was difficult to see that the FAA had any good reason not to implement the very important recommendations made by their own US investigating authority , the NTSB , after the Windsor accident , especially as the RLD had gone to the trouble of flying to Los Angeles to make their point .
21 Numerous trials have evaluated the various procedures performed during pregnancy and labour ( Iain Chalmers has even gone to the trouble of collating them ) but very few of these ideas have changed obstetric practice .
22 You might then find that having gone to the trouble of preparing a good speech and a joke just in case , you decide that you might as well give the speech anyway !
23 " He could have given me a ticking off , considering that he 'd gone to the trouble of telling me that you were coming .
24 She was being carried at considerably over the legal speed-limit towards an unknown destination — and quite possibly what a Victorian heroine would have regarded as a ‘ fate worse than death ’ , since she could hardly imagine that Luke had gone to the trouble of virtually kidnapping her in order to spend a quiet weekend playing Scrabble .
25 ‘ And , ’ he pursued pleasantly , ‘ I certainly had n't guessed that you had actually gone to the trouble of speculating on my reactions — to illness or to anything else , ’ he added quietly .
26 I 'd even gone to the trouble of finding a real piece of rattan jog — the dried bark which gives a deep red colour to the dish — in the fifth Punjabi deli I 'd tried .
27 I wonder how many times in the past , when you 've been staying here , you 've gone to the trouble of escorting Kirsty to school ? ’
28 I was led into all these commitments in a very friendly and deferential spirit , and in a similar spirit of friendship and hospitality I was invited to numerous social engagements , from impressive lunch in honour of the Minister of Education to an invitation to a private home in Jaipur , where my kind host and hostess had gone to the trouble of preparing sandwiches , cake , chips ( without the fish ) and pudding , in case I should not like the Indian dishes served for the other guests !
29 If you are very keen to try pressing wild flowers , do go to the trouble of checking which species are protected and be strong-willed enough to leave them well alone .
30 So you can take this even further if you want , by saying : why go to the trouble of using your hands at all ?
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