Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] all [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Follow That Camel was filmed in May , but Gerald Thomas still woke up in the morning to find snow all over their Fort Zuassantneuf set .
2 He also has scabs all over his nose and ear .
3 Here is Fräulein Therese Aschmann from the theatre who has mud all over her shoes . ’
4 At lunch , she sat next to her godmother who told Artemis all about her late mother .
5 Do you ever stop writing Billy all over your books ?
6 He , he goes , do you ever stop writing Billy all over your book ?
7 The next morning Martha was back at Misselthwaite Manor , and told Mary all about her day with her family .
8 No we were laughing because you 've got mayonnaise all round your mouth .
9 I declined with thanks and waved him on : I had only two more miles to walk to Shiel Bridge and could n't get any wetter and did n't want to repay his kindness by spraying water all over his car .
10 She 's still got Weetabix all over her top .
11 Oh you 've got paint all over your tongue .
12 Well Carl she has n't got spots all over her face .
13 You 've got lipstick all over your face . ’
14 The explanation faded into silence when Isabel recalled the way she had spilled water all over her patient because she 'd been so nervous of him .
15 It 's not a good idea to leave Miranda all on her own , so why do n't we keep her company ?
16 Stop plastering Vic all over your music paper and make way for some real talent .
17 At breakfast next morning , the son of the house dashed past the open doorway stripped to the waist , shaving cream all over his face , looking very agitated .
18 Pinky red You could have flowers all over your frog as well .
19 But then she makes music to send to other worlds ; music too , promising peace and cooperation in a new spiritually harmonious era ; music that defies gravity all on its own .
20 We 'd love you to , and you can tell Megan all about her wretched broch .
21 I refused to be taken to school , but every morning before I left , the other wives would come and put make-up all over my face – – bright red lipstick and things .
22 Yet it is a logical ending , a romantic ending , if you will , but one drawn into reality because of the almost casual , incidental humour , the personal tone of dialogue and the secret , passionate , poetic feeling that moves Sard all through his adventure .
23 I 'll get dust all over my white shirt …
24 I had sweat all over my face and as soon as they opened the door I just went for one of them .
25 He had oil all over his face and hands .
26 ‘ You have make-up all over your face , ’ he said .
27 Brambles hooked her shorts , unloaded raindrops all over her feet .
28 Excuse me , they might say , you have death all over your face , it could be serious .
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