Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun pl] whom [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Salina 's husband is dead , she has three children whom she feeds mostly from the food she can glean from the rubbish tips , largely banana skins .
2 A Special Report of the Girls ' Friendly Society in 1879 pointed out that middle-class women tended ‘ to over regulate those women whom we would serve ’ , because they were ignorant of working-class life .
3 Noverre 's second category comprised those dancers whom he expected to be technical perfectionists .
4 Mr O'Donnell said he had seen other men whom he named in court .
5 Executions are easily exaggerated , but the Encomiast 's statement that many English leaders were killed with Eadric , and that of the later Evesham chronicle that many of his soldiers died too , are quite plausible , given that he would have had powerful henchmen whom it was doubtless politic to eliminate .
6 Thankfully it is comparatively rare for human beings to seek to exterminate those creatures whom they regard as very much their inferiors — it is hard to find someone who favours the meaningless slaughter of dogs , for example .
7 Eliot moves from such a primitive organization to discussing Greek drama , following the movement of Harrison , Cornford , and the other anthropologically influenced classical scholars whom he had read .
8 Samson has just killed two goblins whom he surprised in the room .
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