Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] involved in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Encourage older children to read about vegetarian nutrition and cooking ; they may enjoy getting involved in the planning of their own menus .
2 They have also aroused Protestant anger against Dr Runcie , at the same time as he has become involved in a row over his attack on the ‘ Pharisees ’ of British society .
3 An alcohol problems voluntary agency helps Mrs F who has become involved in a family self-help group .
4 More recently 3i has become involved in the fashionable technique of ‘ buy-ins ’ , where teams of successful managers are headhunted from larger companies to run smaller struggling firms and turn then around .
5 Do you really need to get involved in the administration of payroll changes , budget procedures , cheque authorizations and production schedules ?
6 Further east , Bulgaria eventually became firmly attached to the Byzantine church , but in the 860s Louis the German , king of the East Franks , even tried to become involved in the Bulgarian conversion .
7 But while jogging home from a disco last year he 'd got involved in a augument with twenty year old Darren Kelly .
8 Blows were exchanged between members of the audience somewhere at the front and the whole scene developed into a riot , with others not wishing to get involved in a fight scrambling for the exit .
9 A near neighbour was recruited as a support worker and she too began to become involved in the family arguments .
10 Marlon may have got involved in a noble cause , but it got a lot of people 's backs up in the business .
11 That 's one of the reasons why I decided to get involved in the project in the first place when it was first broached to me .
12 But I do n't wish to become involved in an argument about what level of certification should , or should not , be agreed upon .
13 At its Bristol Conference in April the League had once again refused to become involved in the United Front .
14 In this way , although she hated the feeling of water on her head , she did not have to become involved in the actual washing process herself .
15 If I did n't feel that way , I would n't have wanted to get involved in the first place .
16 ‘ Sometimes we get the feeling that Christians do n't want to get involved in the world unless they are in control of it , ’ said Fr Mangunwijaya , who led a discussion on ‘ The church under the present condition of a diaspora situation ’ .
17 I do not want to get involved in the technicalities of such arguments but , for good or ill , the anthropomorphic style of sociobiological interpretation , together with its exaggerated insistence that virtually all patterns of animal behaviour ( including those found in man ) can be explained by evolutionary hypotheses , has lately served to reinforce and extend Darwin 's original Epicurean thesis that the difference between man and other animals is simply one of degree , that there is no natural discontinuity .
18 Simon Coombs MP for Swindon says although it 's disappointing news , he 's confident other companies will want to get involved in the development .
19 He said : ‘ We put a very fair bid on the table , and I do n't want to get involved in an auction .
20 In the case of the sociological positivists , this reluctance applied even when they did become involved in the analysis of the operation of penal institutions — when the ‘ sociology of the prison blossomed in the 1950s and 1960s .
21 Inside the baker 's , Maisie had got involved in a complicated negotiation with the shopkeeper .
22 Within minutes they had become involved in a brawl , attacking a fellow drinker so fiercely his arm was broken , Stafford Crown Court heard .
23 Hartlepool Council 's policy and resources committee agreed to renew its £3,000 subscription to Teesside Tomorrow for 1992/93 after hearing that the organisation had become involved in a number of projects which would benefit the town .
24 Instead , he found that they were still in Portugal , where their captains had become involved in the war against the Moors .
25 Like other nuns in the community , Sister Teresa taught literacy to the peasants and had become involved in the peasant marches of the early 1980s organized to protest against poverty and violence in the region .
26 He had become involved in the administration of St Anne 's House in Soho , for example ; it had been opened this year as a " centre of Christian discourse " , and in the autumn he and Philip Mairet conducted a discussion group , " Toward the Definition of Culture " which met once a week until the middle of December .
27 In the 1930s , for example , planning had become involved in the problems of servicing development and mediating between conflicting interests as to how land should be used : an important operational advance from the earlier bridgehead of scheme preparation and interim development control .
28 Mainly because the stewards had become involved in the incentive er scheme working er and had the best idea you know of how to set times and tooling and everything else .
29 Lord Rothschild , when did you start getting involved in the art world ?
30 The quarry had a bad reputation , but we are trying to get involved in the local community and are improving the image of quarrying . ’
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