Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] himself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But in a wider context Gloucester failed to establish himself as the heir of the earls of Oxford .
2 But in a wider context Gloucester failed to establish himself as the heir of the earls of Oxford .
3 At p596 Stamp J asked the rhetorical question : … how can a British Income Tax Act impute to a foreign resident " for the purposes of " that Act an income of which the foreigner has divested himself under the foreign law and which in his hands is altogether outside all the provisions of the Income Tax Act ?
4 Occasionally in the pursuit of profit he has to sacrifice himself to the ordeal of a business lunch with a customer , supplier or business contact .
5 Totally blinded , his spectacles streaming with water as he bobbed up , he tried to float himself into the galley .
6 MR JOHN MacGregor , the Education Secretary , has distanced himself from the Government 's loans scheme for students by appointing the two most junior ministers at the Department of Education and Science to sit on the parliamentary committee discussing the Education ( Student Loans ) Bill .
7 As a divorcee , Docherty can no longer take communion and has distanced himself from the catholic faith , an institution he believes deserted him in his hour of need .
8 ( By stepping back as he blocks , he doubly protects himself : even if the block fails , he has distanced himself from the oncoming punch . )
9 The film sped up as Cameron ran out of the building , still in his tailcoat , and tried to lose himself in the streets around the Barbican .
10 We we well we 'd love to be able to get get on with our job and er wi with far less interference than we receive at the moment but er when government insists on er on interfering to the extent it does an and there have been well I 've been reading recently so something like five hundred new powers the Education Secretary has given himself in the in over the last last few years .
11 Relations between the two countries had grown tense during the months prior to the Iraqi invasion as Saddam moved to establish himself as the dominant Arab nationalist leader [ see pp. 37390 ; 37472 ] .
12 He would have been a natural replacement for Blair , but in another cruel twist , Gallagher , a university student in Northampton , has committed himself to the English club this season and will not be available to Dungannon for the league .
13 The student needs to immerse himself in the performance of a kata in order to release his emotions .
14 He has shot himself in the arm .
15 Dougal tried to immerse himself in The Journal of a Fallen Angel .
16 In Wales also Gloucester was expected to set himself at the head of existing officials .
17 In Wales also Gloucester was expected to set himself at the head of existing officials .
18 Holly straightened himself , shrugged at his shoulders to try to rid himself of the weariness , gazed back at the man 's face .
19 She seemed to be pushing her enormous frame closer to his , as he tried to extricate himself from the small stuffy room which had begun to give him claustrophobia .
20 ‘ Shit ! ’ screamed the driver as he tried to extricate himself from the situation .
21 In a fury of hatred and jealousy he thrashed his stick about Kemp 's head while Kemp himself tried to extricate himself from the twisted sheets , to get out of the bed , and to defend himself — but he did n't make it .
22 Once man has habituated himself to the world of emotions which is a form of the transcendent , it is possible for him to cross into it at will .
23 ‘ He has got himself into the most God almighty muddle , ’ he said , adding almost hopelessly , ‘ he is not a worldly person .
24 BRIAN HALL : ‘ At that particular moment in time we have a manager that has got himself into the semi-final of the FA Cup , he 's got the opportunity of reaching Wembley , he 's had a difficult time in the League , it 's been a traumatic season okay , then he 's told he needs triple by-pass surgery at the age of 39 .
25 He has armed himself with the munitions of modernity , not only with ‘ conventional arms ’ , but also with an arsenal of nuclear , biological and chemical weapons .
26 Nobody will ever know for sure how much Ken tried to rid himself of the camp , ‘ Carry On ’ image .
27 Ken tried to rid himself of the guests , so that he could get away to the theatre , by telling Pat to call him to an imaginary telephone call .
28 For the first time , a major interpretative musician has equipped himself with the necessary skills to mastermind his own visualization of the music he conducts , which allows him , in the process , to offer a new generation of music-lovers a sophisticated set of options for the study and appreciation of music in performance .
29 The observer has to submit himself to the way things are .
30 It was awful , he spoke so awkwardly , he always has to say things in a roundabout way , he always has to justify himself at the same time .
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