Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] views on the " in BNC.

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1 Under the imprimatur of the Acting Secretary of State , Butterworth had sent the Embassy in Paris what purported to be the Department 's views on the Elysee agreement with the request that the memorandum should be presented to the French government .
2 His own thinking over the next three years was developed , accordingly , through successive disagreements with Lyell 's views on the organic world , while he continued to accept his mentor 's teaching on the physical world of land , sea and climate changes .
3 If members would accept the additional resolution which stands in my name erm which reads this is what we 'd copied to all district councils and they would be made aware of the county council 's views on the matter .
4 A committee was appointed to report on the situation in 1901 because Conference wanted to know how to secure candidates ‘ of higher educational proficiency and others of special promise ’ and they wanted the committee 's views on the ‘ desirability of raising the standard of the examinations for the ministry ’ as well as the possible need to give candidates ‘ a more thorough training … and a more complete equipment ’ .
5 The Committee 's views on the issues involved in obtaining evidence of the achievement in mathematics of lower-attaining pupils are contained in paras 537–556 of their report .
6 These notes constitute in many ways the best statement that exists of Babbage 's views on the general powers of his engines .
7 Sir : Following your article on video ‘ spy ’ cameras ( 11 October ) , I feel compelled as a police officer to balance the National Council for Civil Liberties 's views on the issue of video surveillance .
8 Social workers , she says , have a primary responsibility to ensure that the case conference has information relating to the family background , and the parents ' views on the issues .
9 The information collected will cover changes in employment since receipt of the grant , recipients ' views on the importance of the scheme , and further evidence on small firms ' awareness of the various alternative sources of financial assistance .
10 When considering Mrs Whitehouse 's views on the links between sexual and political revolution , the book will surface again .
11 Tam Dalyell 's views on the Brandt Commission 's second report ( Forum , 7 April , p 40 ) are perhaps just another addition to the literature on the subject .
12 In these circumstances the solicitor must decide whether the child has a sufficient degree of understanding but must take into account the guardian 's views on the subject .
13 Furthermore , the vendor 's views on the design may conflict with the planning authority and meeting the requirements of both can be fraught with difficulty .
14 Although I personally endorse Labov 's views on the matter of candid recording , it has to be admitted that the issues are not always as clear-cut as they seem .
15 It also says Black 's views on the effectiveness of mongrel guard dogs ‘ do not represent the views of the committee ’ .
16 Lord Denning 's views on the liberation of the Court of Appeal from the obligation to follow its own previous decisions were crushingly rebuffed in Davis v Johnson ( [ 1979 ] AC 264 ) in which the authority of Young v.
17 Professor Williams 's views on the proper scope of the crime of rape coupled with the limited role he advocates for the offence of procuring by threat suggest that he does not consider that the criminal law should be over-active in protecting the sexual autonomy of women .
18 How I disagree with P R Owen 's views on the community charge ( December , 1990 , Letters ) .
19 The contrast with West Germany is sharp , for although the 1965 German equivalent of Traffic in Towns echoed Buchanan 's views on the need for the establishment of environmental standards , the response can be seen as the departure point for much of the environmental traffic management practised there since .
20 This vision is particularly evident in Dicey 's views on the role of conventions .
21 Dicey 's views on the rule of law also merit detailed scrutiny .
22 In the weeks which followed NATO representatives , presenting NATO as a vital factor in the maintenance of stability within Europe , put forward the alliance 's views on the developments in Eastern Europe and plans for NATO 's future .
23 The Legal Services Committee was unhappy with the LCAC 's views on the cab rank not to make the obligation to do legal aid work a professional obligation .
24 ‘ What were your wife 's views on the situation over there then ?
25 It is not unreasonable that the investors should want the managers ' views on the accountants ' report , but management 's advisers should try to restrict this warranty to the facts in the report and exclude any opinions given by the accountants .
26 In a conference fringe speech which appeared to set out his own personal manifesto , the Leader of the Commons also echoed Mr Heseltine 's views on the need to take a more positive attitude to the European Community , and he called for a moderation of the Government 's confrontational style .
27 She had a shrewd notion what Iris 's views on the subject would be — a notion that lady promptly confirmed .
28 ‘ What of the prince himself ? ’ asked Elizabeth Mowbray , curious to know her daughter 's views on the subject .
29 I am grateful for the opportunity to put the Government 's views on the matter , but underlying all that I have said is a fundamental conviction that the education system , not social security benefits , should provide for the maintenance of students .
30 One was Augustine , whose ideas were to be fundamental in forming medieval Europe 's views on the subject .
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