Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] response to the " in BNC.

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1 Any fishkeeper who has seen the fry 's response to the flicking of the black pelvic fins of their mother will have no doubt that communication is taking place .
2 The CNT 's response to the coming of a Republic was confused .
3 After outlining Washington 's response to the recent changes in Eastern Europe , the Secretary of State , Mr James Baker , made an unscheduled visit to East Germany where he held talks with the new Prime Minister , Mr Hans Modrow .
4 She was responsible for the CNAA 's response to the James Report , and acted as Secretary to the joint CNAA-NCDAD group in 1972–73 .
5 What is needed is anti-discrimination legislation as outlined in NICD 's response to the consultative document on Fair Employment .
6 THE ABILITY of Lothian 's employees to provide cost effective services at local level was highlighted in the Regional Council 's response to the Government 's reform document .
7 THE COUNCIL 'S response to the government 's proposals for the future of water and sewerage services showed that Lothian 's current arrangements would be the most efficient , cost-effective and democratic way to provide these services in the future .
8 The findings were based on interviews with 501 people — a representative sample of Lothian 's population — and featured in the Regional Council 's response to the plans for reform .
9 The Council 's response to the policy and to the creation of the polytechnics was expressed most firmly in relation to research .
10 In July 1972 the Council 's response to the James Report and subsequent debate was to affirm categorically that it would be willing to establish the award of a Diploma of Higher Education , and a three-year degree including practical professional experience :
11 As for the district council 's response to the bid , it said that was ’ unsurprising .
12 The IBM 7051 Power Network Dataserver is IBM 's response to the need for a high speed file server to work with these new machines , and was developed with Auspex Systems Inc .
13 Instead , management 's response to the de-skilling effects of the new technology was to introduce a system of job rotation .
14 At this stage , the National for Scotland 's response to the CCS decision is unknown .
15 It helped to formulate the Institute 's response to the Review .
16 Leapor 's response to the discomforts of agricultural labourers must be approached at different levels .
17 Russia 's response to the crisis of 1914 can only be understood in terms of the nature of the tsarist regime and of the pressures upon it .
18 If a child has been made the subject of a supervision requirement following a referral to a children 's hearing on an offence ground , and that supervision requirement has been terminated and the child reappears before another children 's hearing , the main factors that the later hearing will need to consider to perform their statutory functions are why the child appeared before a children 's hearing , the reasons for that hearing 's disposal and , most particularly , the child 's response to the disposal ; in short , a children 's hearing would want to know the very things section 4 appears to prevent it ascertaining .
19 The civil-rights groups are particularly upset with NIH 's response to the news that the confidentiality of those who provided information to Alexander had been breached .
20 He said the White Paper failed to indicate the Government 's attitude to the judges ' response to the Green Papers .
21 The summit was originally called by Charles Haughey , the Irish Prime Minister and President of the Council for the first six months of 1990 , to discuss the Communities ' response to the prospect of German unification and to the rapid changes in the rest of Eastern Europe .
22 Taylor 's response to the offer had not been published by the end of February .
23 CPRW 's response to the UK National Sustainability Report
24 Germany 's response to the Gulf war so far has been a week of hand-wringing and of big , mainly anti-American demonstrations .
25 It is common ground that the Family Law Reform Act 1969 was Parliament 's response to the Report of the Committee on the Age of Majority ( 1967 ) ( Cmnd. 3342 ) .
26 The EEC 's response to the disintegration of Yugoslavia is an equally important indication of what might be expected from the Common Foreign and Security policy .
27 This policy presents the Union 's response to the introduction of new technology in the post-privatisation business environment .
28 Gaidar 's response to the Civic Union programme was that its fundamental concept of increasing cash supply to stimulate production would " in the context of a high proportion of monopoly production bring about … an upsurge in prices " .
29 Such an approach allows us to experience nature 's response to the controlled variation of an environment .
30 The fishermen 's response to the crisis will become clearer this week .
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