Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] name on the " in BNC.

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1 Gaily began to tell Florence Ames about the funeral , about the snowdrops and Faith Lavender 's coffin , about Dorothea Shottery 's name on the wreath and his own confusion among the female mourners .
2 With the Editor 's name on the cover , it is not easy to be objective about Sally B — A Very Special Lady ( Midland Counties Publications , 48pp , illus , sbk , available from B-17 Preservation Ltd ) but as all the contributors have given over their royalties to keeping Sally B in the air , we can slip a ‘ plug ’ in .
3 On November 17 , the two registrars , nursing staff , social workers and the police decided there were insufficient grounds to start care proceedings , but put Christopher 's name on the Child Protection Register .
4 Such a product may also be suitable for sponsorship , with a sponsor 's name on the product and at point of sale displays etc .
5 The formal duties of the conference are to decide whether or not to place a child 's name on the Child Protection Register and , if so , to appoint a ‘ key worker ’ who then assumes the main responsibility for overall coordination of any subsequent work with the child and the family .
6 When abuse or potential abuse is confirmed the conference may decide to place a child 's name on the child protection register .
7 In R v London Borough of Harrow , ex pDeal [ 1989 ] FCR 729 the Court of Appeal confirmed that judicial review would lie if a decision to place a child 's name on the register could be shown to be utterly unreasonable .
8 The Perth professional , whose father engraves the winner 's name on the Open Championship Trophy , earned the 37th card on his 11th visit to the PGA School in November but has missed two cuts and finished 66th on his three previous Tour outings this year .
9 Forester pulled out a single white envelope with Sampson 's name on the front and stuffed the bundle back into the bag , throwing the flap across and fumbling to thread the straps into the buckles .
10 No author 's name on the front cover and you ca n't read the title , but the overall effect is great .
11 The label warned that fewer sales would result from not putting the group 's name on the covers of the ‘ Kennedy ’ and ‘ Brassneck ’ singles .
12 Mr Beacham said he has been pressing the British Legion to put Stephen 's name on the role of honour .
13 This was an action by Thorne , a member of the M.T.A. , against the Association to determine whether a demand of a sum of money in lieu of placing a person 's name on the stop list would constitute a demand of money with menaces and without reasonable or probable cause within section 29 ( 1 ) ( i ) of the Larceny Act 1916 .
14 LORD WRIGHT : I think the jury should be directed by the judge that the respondent Association had a legal right to put the person 's name on the stop list , so long as they did so in order to promote the trade interests of the Association and its members and not with intent to injure , and so long as the money , fine or penalty demanded was reasonable and not extortionate .
15 A number of these are entirely legitimate and cause great excitement among devotees , who will be found anxiously scanning the title of Pickwick to see whether Sam Weller 's name on the inn sign-board is spelt with a W or a V ; and , indeed , that particular work is notorious for the number of points a copy needs to score before emerging triumphant .
16 So in the end it would be Maxim 's name on the pieces of paper , not whatever Sims was calling himself on this trip .
17 Only they were , for some reason , too ‘ shy ’ to put the former owner 's name on the labels !
18 Since it was Dane 's name on the hoardings which had sold out the theatre on opening night and for several weeks to come , Josh 's kindness brought a painful lump to her throat , and she could only gaze at him in mute gratitude .
19 He struck out Samuel Revill 's name on the second note .
20 As a patient , I would like to think that the presence of a doctor 's name on the list would also offer me some sort of guarantee that he or she would not subject me to unnecessary or unjustifiably harmful treatment — whether that treatment be labelled alternative or mainstream , labels that serve only to confuse the issue .
21 Our visitor had little knowledge of the passions or indeed the psychology of small boys , for he casually admitted after a day or two that he had inscribed the Master 's name on the bat himself !
22 There had n't been time to get Maxim 's name on the usual notice of forthcoming visitors to the embassy ; she had been signalled by the Security Service who shared the Steering Committee 's deep distrust of the visit and wanted her to debrief him after his meeting .
23 Scientists at IBM 's Almaden research centre in San Jose , California , gave a dramatic example of this last spring when they released a picture of 35 xenon atoms arranged to spell their company 's name on the surface of a nickel crystal .
24 The inclusion of John Cleare 's name on the book cover usually guarantees quality photographs , and the colour and atmospheric black and white images were no disappointment .
25 Typical of most of the systems that will be at HOTECH are wake-up and message services ; posting of charges for telephone calls to the room account ; facilities to advise housekeeping when bedrooms are free for cleaning ; and display of the guest 's name on the operator console .
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