Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] role in the " in BNC.

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1 Hillier , 22 , played a veteran 's role in the Gunners ' victory against Oldham , guiding novice midfielders Steve Morrow , 22 , and Ray Parlour , 19 , through their big-match Highbury ordeal .
2 Mrs Bagwell says she bears no responsibility for the club 's role in the attacks .
3 The number of personnel is small but they work full time in the unit and are not concerned with the rest of the corporate planning department 's roles in the planning process .
4 Branson 's role in the Atra deal had been negligible , and his first reaction on waking up to find three men standing at the bottom of his bed demanding £5,000 was one of confusion and outright terror .
5 The transference of Ernest Bevin direct from the leadership of Britain 's largest trade union to the Ministry of Labour , symbolized Labour 's role in the new order — not least because Bevin 's control over the allocation of manpower came to displace the traditional operations of the Treasury , as the lynch-pin of Government economic management .
6 THERE is a growing belief in Parliament and among the hapless investors of Barlow Clowes that the Ombudsman 's report into the Department of Trade and Industry 's role in the affair will , in part , be suppressed on sub judice grounds .
7 The latest number of deaths were released yesterday as the Barlow Clowes Investors Group ( BCIG ) sought to secure the release of the Parliamentary Ombudsman 's report into the Department of Trade and Industry 's role in the affair .
8 An examination is made of the industry 's role in the environment 's welfare .
9 This probably reflects the fact that the equivalent of the owners and long-term creditors is the Government , on the public 's behalf ; and that , although return on capital is of interest , the necessarily wider view of the industry 's role in the economy takes precedence .
10 Jewry 's role in the revolutions of the 19th and 20th Centuries are also brought to light , from leading the 1798 French Revolution to the origins of Communism and the 1917 Russian Revolution , a revolution financed by New York 's Jewish-owned Wall Street Banks and led by imported American Jewish revolutionaries .
11 Much of Muskie 's political fame was earned from his leadership in environmental affairs , which was now being eroded not only by Nixon 's proposals but also by a Ralph Nader report on air pollution which strongly criticized Muskie 's role in the past and just stopped short of accusing him of selling out to industrial polluters ( Lundqvist , 1980 ) .
12 The Council 's Charter did not formally require it to initiate , to enter policy arenas , to sponsor development , and in fact it prescribed the CNAA 's role in the ‘ diffusion and extension of the arts , sciences and technologies ’ as being through the approval of courses of study and the granting of awards .
13 In addition to marketing , there will also be sessions devoted to ‘ The editor 's role in the publishing house ’ , ‘ General management of a book publishing enterprise ’ , ‘ Tips on evaluating manuscripts ’ , ‘ The relationship between writer and editor ’ and ‘ Desktop publishing ’ .
14 Reynolds 's role in the deposition should be regarded as creditable rather than shameful , for his oath and loyalty to the king were sustained until the cause was obviously lost ; at that point his concern for public order , for the good of the church and the realm , dictated his choice of acquiescence instead of futile hostility .
15 The key political battles in Parliament centred around issues on which there were distinctive Whig and Tory positions , such as the question of the security of the Church , the nature of England 's role in the European wars , and diverging attitudes towards the Glorious Revolution itself .
16 Another unanswered question is the extent of IBM 's role in the ‘ sting ’ .
17 The Russian historian from Southmoor in Oxfordshire had lost a libel action over allegations relating to Lord Aldington 's role in the forced repatriation of thousands of Cossacks after the Second World War .
18 Such topics as sport 's role in the national lottery , the ban on tobacco advertising , the new horse racing authority and the inability to produce British tennis players are issues that should be debated in a sensible forum .
19 Charles Darwin 's work forced his generation and the generations since to restructure the conventional ways in which they thought about humanity 's role in the world .
20 James Shelley Hamilton described Cagney 's role in The Public Enemy as being that of a vicious , cruel , hard-boiled rat and yet he concluded that we end up sympathizing with him and feeling ‘ that there was something likeable and courageous about the little rat after all ’ .
21 The invasion of Cambodia by US troops in 1970 can be seen as the high point in a twenty-year erosion of the legislature 's role in the making of foreign and defence policy .
22 The main purpose of this practice is to emphasize the budget 's role in the cycle of planning-control-accountability .
23 The leading British medical journal The Lancet says cholesterol 's role in the development of heart disease is controversial .
24 The progress of the Community towards European Union must be accompanied by the development of the European Parliament 's role in the legislative sphere [ UK reservation ] and with respect to the monitoring of the activities of the union , which , together with the role of the national parliaments , will underpin the democratic legitimacy of the union .
25 The presence of such energetic ladies as Bessie Pullen Burry in the Britons , of Nesta Webster and Catherine Stoddart in the Duke of Northumberland 's publishing concerns , as well as Rotha Lintorn Orman 's role in the British Fascists and Mary Allen 's , Mary Richardson 's and Mrs Dacre-Fox 's membership of the BUF , suggested a peculiar side-effect of the suffragette movement ; political commitment and involvement could develop in very different directions from the dedicated socialism of Sylvia Pankhurst or the militant conservatism of her mother and sister .
26 Voters thus rejected 58 assorted reforms , principal among which were the constitutional abolition of the armed forces and the elimination of all references to the military 's role in the life of the nation , an increase from six to 11 in the number of years of compulsory education , the creation of the office of ombudsman , and a curtailment of the auditing department 's powers to review government spending .
27 Seek to encourage a positive public perception of the engineer 's role in the management of risk .
28 But while it would be wrong to minimize the hold of this movement , particularly in the south of France and in the Balkans , and especially between Bulgaria and Constantinople , the major threat to the future of the Church was not from the heretics but from the popular movements that sought to restore the laity 's role in the life of the Church .
29 Following completion on Oct. 12 of the opening debate , the Assembly went on to adopt 240 resolutions and 80 decisions on a wide range of issues , including : ( i ) the enhancement of the UN 's role in the promotion of international peace and security ; ( ii ) international co-operation over environmental problems ; ( iii ) the problem of drugs ; ( iv ) a number of regional conflicts , including Kampuchea ( Cambodia ) ; ( v ) children 's rights ; and ( vi ) various disarmament issues .
30 There was nothing lukewarm in Fitzthomas 's role in the revolutionary regime .
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