Example sentences of "[noun] [that] he [be] trying " in BNC.

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1 In early 1922 Eliot told Pound that he was trying to read Aristophanes , apparently on Pound 's recommendation .
2 There were few gables , as Street thought that they were hardly compatible with the grand effect that he was trying to achieve .
3 While they were there , an elderly man came down the stairs from the upper floor ( with its second hand books and books of local interest ) , and started to wander around , absent-mindedly Clara could tell from a certain straining of attention on Walter 's part that he was trying to catch the old man 's eye , and eventually he succeeded in doing so ; the old man nodded and smiled , with a bare " minimum of recognition , and Walter said " Good morning , Mr Warbley . "
4 Not only that , it was brought up time and again by the media and used to undermine the serious work that he was trying so hard to do .
5 He protested to Theo at one point that he was trying hard to keep the peace — but how hard ?
6 She realized with shock that he was trying to fight back tears .
7 In the ‘ rational ’ decision-making model , the policy-maker first specifies the objectives that he is trying to achieve , second musters all the evidence necessary for an analysis of alternative ways of achieving these objectives and , third , chooses the most cost-effective means of achieving these objectives .
8 He turned to face her then , his eyes intent as they met hers for one long minute , and she had the strangest feeling that he was trying to look inside her soul .
9 Before they parted it seemed to Sophia that he was trying to draw Ianthe aside , as if to make an assignation with her , but she gave him so little encouragement , indeed seemed almost to avoid him , that he had to be content with looking forward to the doubtful pleasure of meeting the whole party the next evening after dinner at the Trevi fountain .
10 ‘ You do n't think … there could have been something … dark in his past that he was trying to hide , do you ? ’
11 The basic message that he is trying to get across is an anti-war message which is present in all of his poems but the more precise message varies slightly with each poem .
12 In 1100 , Geoffrey of Vendôme assured William IX of Aquitaine that he was trying to answer the summons to the ducal court , but that every time his messenger reached the appointed place , he found William had moved on .
13 I stared back blandly with the same expression that he was trying on me .
14 THE Health Secretary Mr Kenneth Clarke yesterday rejected claims that he was trying to break the ambulancemen 's strike when he told MPs he had decided the army would be mobilised to help to answer emergency calls in London .
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