Example sentences of "[noun] [that] we [vb mod] see " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , we have made a lot of progress in recent years , and as I shall describe , there are some grounds for cautious optimism that we may see a complete theory within the lifetime of some of those reading these pages .
2 But , I think if we have further discussions with churches and districts that we might see that we can break that a bit further for that reason when we come to er , come to the resolutions I would advise you er er propose a minor amendment with the second thing .
3 It is in that long preparation that we can see how profoundly secularisation has changed our civilisation .
4 So we want to get bright objects that we can see at great distances , but we also need to know something about what it is we 're looking at .
5 There is a distinction to be drawn between an evacuation of the kind that we may see tonight in Dubrovnik and an interdiction naval force designed to prevent , for example , the shelling of Dubrovnik by Yugoslav gun boats .
6 It is in the delirious inventiveness and ungrammticality of poetry that we can see the Remainder most fruitfully at work .
7 And it is at this point that we can see the way in which secularisation feeds and nurtures the philosophies of secularism .
8 We are ill-equipped to comprehend the very small and the very large ; things whose duration is measured in picoseconds or gigayears ; particles that do n't have position ; forces and fields that we can not see or touch , which we know of only because they affect things that we can see or touch .
9 We were seeing a steady growth in fee income of around 15% in the Newport office , and when we made the decision to move , there was n't a single indicator that we might see a downturn .
10 Because although stars near to us show both red shifts and blue shifts , distant galaxies show only red shifts , and that means that all the galaxies that we can see are moving away from us .
11 If we add up the masses of all the stars that we can see in our galaxy and other galaxies , the total is less than one hundredth of the amount required to halt the expansion of the universe , even for the lowest estimate of the rate of expansion .
12 It is against this background that we must see the recent withdrawals of a number of analgesics from the market in Britain .
13 And so we yes , we can use the information that we can see to advise on how best to treat the patient .
14 The nightmares and perception of strange smells that we shall see in our more modern writers were as prevalent in mediaeval times : ‘ He dremyth dredful dremes of derknesse and ferdfull to se , and of stynkynge sauoure and smelle . ’
15 Scientists have been penetrating areas beyond human senses , and they have developed more and more devices to augment our senses in order that we may see into the heart of matter or reach the ends of the universe .
16 We ca n't count them because if we could count all the ones that we could see there 's still plenty beyond those .
17 It 's a case of balancing the short-term costs to the long-term benefits that we 'll see to our soil in this country .
18 Cohesion is a surface relation ; it connects together the actual words and expressions that we can see or hear ( cf. coherence , Chapter 7 ) .
19 It is in this context that we can see the importance of the so-called Derrida-Foucault debate which is often misrepresented , not least by Foucault himself , as a confrontation between ‘ textuality ’ and ‘ history ’ .
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