Example sentences of "[noun] [that] [pron] told she " in BNC.

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1 But it rejected her claim that he told her to come to work in suspenders .
2 It was n't until almost his last breath that he told her of the board beneath his bed and what was under it , assuring her he had saved it for her .
3 But yeah , I can see that , I can see that side of it but , I do n't know , just people that you say something in confidence to like , not like Trem but well er yeah I told , I told well Jenny take that thing that you told her , I mean that 's a bit off .
4 Maybe three months into training , when the captive trees behind the hotel complex burned into autumn flame and the air smelt of bonfires that they told her did n't mean danger , Chesarynth shivered across to the school .
5 Peter Noonan has been patiently waiting in the wings for six years , and finally , whether it was seeing Terry so happy , realising that she was n't getting any younger , or the fact that I told her I was thinking of getting married , sh — ’
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