Example sentences of "[noun] [is] associated [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 More recently , however , Hécaen , De Agostini and Monzon-Montes ( 1981 ) have confirmed that as far as most language functions are concerned , cerebral bilaterality is associated with familial sinistrality rather than strength of hand preference , Nonetheless , some language functions , such as naming of objects , appear to depend upon the left hemisphere in both familial and non-familial sinistrals .
32 Impairment of sweating is associated with various manifestations of autonomic neuropathy with and without the presence of other symptoms such as postural hypotension .
33 It is clear that housing tenure is associated with major differentials in patterns of marriage and childbearing .
34 Since there was an association between the direction of ear difference on the dichotic listening task , and asymmetry of hand movement , she concluded that activation of the speech system in one hemisphere is associated with concomitant activation of certain other motor systems in that same hemisphere .
35 The indomethacin induced increase in cyclosporin A toxicity to the pancreas is associated with raised whole blood concentrations of cyclosporin A possibly resulting from an interference with P-450 dependent hepatic drug metabolism by indomethacin .
36 Just as the term ‘ the military-industrial complex ’ has a resonance given to it by a particular school of elite theorists , so the problem of the growth of government is associated with pluralist theories .
37 Moreover , they found ‘ that spending does tend to be higher in areas suffering from adverse conditions ; and that such high spending is associated with inner city deprivation ( immigrants , overcrowding , and one-parent families ) rather than with traditional working class areas ( unskilled workers and large families ) ’ .
38 Analysis of such a complex ‘ polygenic ’ disorder is not easy but ‘ candidate genes ’ can be identified and recombinant DNA techniques used to investigate whether any particular genotype or haplotype is associated with increased risk of disease .
39 In Sri Lanka , the abundance of Dipterocarpus zeylanicus is associated with particular levels of soil potassium , that of D. hispidus with nitrogen and phosphorus , while Artocarpus nobilis ( Moraceae ) and Campnosperma zeylanicum ( Anacardiaceae ) are found only where D. hispidus , the local dominant , is not .
40 In many cases trichomonal infection is associated with other diseases , and while few would advocate the routine screening for other infection of all women found to be suffering from candidal infection , the finding of Trichomonas vaginalis is an absolute indication for further investigation to exclude other sexually transmitted disease .
41 There is published evidence that P cepacia is transmissible , directly or indirectly , between individuals , and that in a proportion who acquire it the infection is associated with rapid deterioration or death , even when they were previously in good health and clinically stable .
42 Type I diabetes is associated with HLA-DR3 and DR4 , and up to 30% of diabetics also have Dupuytren 's disease .
43 In carcinoid diarrhoea , transit through the small bowel and proximal colon is considerably accelerated , and this acceleration is associated with high urinary concentrations of 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid ( 5HIAA ) and circulating 5HT .
44 While in Caribbean society , use of the basilect is associated with low social status ( and possibly rural origins ) , in Britain it is a sign of ethnic identity and solidarity , providing an in-group language for adolescents .
45 Cognac is associated with smooth sophisticates , while armagnac is considered a peasant 's tipple .
46 Morgan , MacDonald and Hilgard ( 1974 ) , for instance , have related hypnosis to mediation by the right hemisphere and Cohen , Rosen and Goldstein ( 1976 ) claimed to show that sexual orgasm in humans is associated with increased amplitude of the wave form over the right but not the left hemisphere .
47 Hence the viscous dissipation is associated with high wavenumbers ; i.e. it is brought about by small eddies .
48 Despite numerous secondary conditions ( i.e. , acromegaly , Cushing 's and Conn 's syndromes , phaeochromocytoma and thyrotoxicosis ) in which elevated blood pressure is associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism , these are probably no more frequent in the diabetic than the non-diabetic hypertensive .
49 Editor , — The finding of Annika Rosengren and colleagues , that low blood pressure is associated with decreased psychological wellbeing , is consistent with several studies recently published in the BMJ including our own .
50 The present results indicate that a substantial amount of this total calcium is associated with insoluble phosphate , which is in accordance with results obtained in other animal and human studies .
51 Furthermore , VFA absorption is associated with enhanced colinic Na + absorption and can be partly inhibited by amiloride and by luminal Na + removal A third possible mechanism for VFA absorption is via a VFA-HCO 3 - exchange mechanism , recently demonstrated on apical membrane vesicles from human ileum and rat colon .
52 This absorption is associated with electronic energy levels in the molecule 's chemical bonds , and the position of the absorption lines depends on the matrix material .
53 Dr Simon Wessely at the Institute of Psychiatry has recently shown quite convincingly that , independent of underlying psychological problems , tiredness is associated with low blood pressure .
54 The mineralisation is associated with strong alteration of the enclosing sediments and tuffs and could be of volcanogenic origin .
55 Delayed duodenal ulcer healing is associated with multiple factors whose effect is cumulative ; for patients with two or more of five easily identified risk factors , more than four weeks ' treatment with a histamine H 2 receptor antagonist is required to achieve ulcer healing .
56 So often , the fitting of a waste outlet to a basin or vanity bowl is associated with sticky sealants or tapes .
57 Most present-day volcanic activity is associated with convergent plate boundaries and there is a considerable concentration of volcanoes in the island arc systems ( Fig. 3.6 ) and continental-margin orogens bordering the Pacific Ocean .
58 Deletion of the gene in breast cancer is associated with reduced patient survival and increased risk of lymph node metastasis .
59 For patients with isolated systolic hypertension perhaps there is only a place for dietary therapy , as although this form of hypertension is associated with increased mortality and morbidity ( Kannel et al , 1980 ) , evidence is lacking that drug therapy is beneficial .
60 The shift toward standard English is associated with young Black women — not older Black women or white women ( who do not , of course , speak Gullah , but do speak a strongly nonstandard variety ) .
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