Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [verb] [be] able " in BNC.

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1 The shire and hundred meetings may have been able to exercise some kind of control over this , although a king who allowed himself and his servants too much leeway would have been difficult to oppose directly .
2 While not present at an event , the writer may have been able to use his own detailed sources which are no longer available — or the writer may have relied on hearsay .
3 In other words designers at DEC may have been able to make some process concessions to achieve a record clock rate that might not be appropriate for other architectures .
4 In other words , foreign auction houses should have been able to start holding auctions in Paris in 1993 , and as the two big auction houses are much more powerful and widely expert than any French auctioneering partnership , the commissaires-priseurs had good reason to be frightened .
5 With intelligent programming , the computer should have been able to recognise either that this particular customer needed an overdraft or that he has probably just become redundant and that mortgage repayment might soon present a problem .
6 it appeared to me little short of a miracle that a hard , matter-of-fact scientist should have been able to establish a real friendship with wild , freeliving animals , and the realisation of this fact made me feel … as though man 's expulsion from the Garden of Eden had thereby lost some of its bitterness .
7 He claims that Mr Maitland should have been able to rely on the references and should be compensated for the full amount plus lost interest .
8 Perhaps Mahoney might have been able to point out something to her , tell her more about the site .
9 He shouted to his riders , at least those near enough to hear , to try not to ride down any mounted men in their way , as those would likely be their own folk , it being improbable that the enemy would have been able to catch any of the fleeing horses .
10 In other words , with the correct equipment , listeners would have been able to hear thunder as though coming from above them while hearing ‘ rain ’ trickling around their feet .
11 Bloke may have been able to read minds , but he could n't read a bleeding contract .
12 In 1867 Bagehot may have been able to write that ‘ a republic has insinuated itself beneath the folds of a Monarchy ’ ( 1965/1867 : 94 ) .
13 For example , while some companies may have been able to ignore the social protest of individuals who suffered the effects of industrial pollution , they found it more difficult to resist organized groups of citizens whose opposition accompanied a marked decline in support for the LDP .
14 Central to child-rearing from the cultural point of view , as we have seen , is that by the time he is six or seven the child should have been able to recapitulate within his own personal psychological development the development history of his culture .
15 To assist in the establishment of such a regime the bureaucracy must have been able to conserve most of its resources intact through the preceding liberal-democratic regime .
16 In some cases , parents would have been able to keep the child if minimal material assistance had been available .
17 It is unlikely that any of the missing diamonds had been picked up by persons involved in the rescue or who visited the site later as only an expert would have been able to identify them as precious stones .
18 At auction the purchaser may have been able to acquire the site at a marginal figure above the next highest bid .
19 So Iraq has now formally asked the Turks to shorten the cut-off period but the Turks reply that they have been releasing more water down the river and the Iraquis should have been able to build up stocks .
20 Even the most myopic Teuton must have been able to see that the politely inquisitive Englishman being entrusted with these confidences had to be an Intelligence man .
21 In Jobling , the plaintiff might have been able to claim social security benefits to partially compensate for his losses .
22 A good spiritual director would have been able to interpret this experience and have led him , step by step , past these dangerous swings of mood to a disciplined equanimity which was rooted in a deeper part of the self and which was not so dependent upon exterior circumstance .
23 Gustave would have been able to inspect it when he visited the British Museum in 1851 .
24 I would not have thought a youth of such tender years would have been able
25 They believe that only as a free-standing business will SAP be able to hold its own against the competition — particularly with world demand for soda ash growing at less than one per cent a year .
26 The USS Enterprise may have been able to go into hyperspace , but the ITN news machine was in hypertime , boldly going where no returning officers had gone before .
27 Joni would have been able to recreate the materials and technique of a fifteenth-century gold-ground painter by reading Cennino Cennini 's treatise on painting ( known as The craftsman 's handbook in English ) .
28 Having been to a coeducational school , she did not find men a novelty , and in theory ought to have been able to discriminate better than Liz ( who endured some fairly dreadful experimental evenings in her search for entertainment ) , but her natural kindness made it almost impossible for her to refuse any overture , however offensive , however louche .
29 Mr Prescott said that the Safety Authority ought to have been able to answer the questions without reference to Eurotunnel .
30 On any other morning , Bissett would have been able to live with the thudding blast of the explosives and with the crisp rattle of sub-machine gun and pistol fire .
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