Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [verb] [be] impossible " in BNC.

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1 That run/shot would have been impossible from anywhere BUT the centre of the pitch ( he would have been running across goal and also towards defenders .
2 The development of the retinue would have been impossible without royal backing and reflected , rather than negated , the king 's authority .
3 The development of the retinue would have been impossible without royal backing and reflected , rather than negated , the king 's authority .
4 The calculus , without which the achievements of engineering and communications of the period would have been impossible , was by now far behind the moving frontier of mathematics .
5 Take the first ingredient , without which this week 's announcement about a local property tax would have been impossible — the £4 billion ( $7 billion ) switch to value-added tax ( VAT ) in the Budget .
6 The report was useful in pointing out the confused state of the Company 's knowledge of its charities , and certainly the generosity would have been impossible without rigorous financial control ( from 1810 to 1816 , for example , expenditure had exceeded income by £10,000 , largely because of the work on the Company 's almshouses at Acton ) .
7 ‘ Without Beuno , ’ she observed , ‘ that evening would have been impossible .
8 However , Moeri says that , with his system , the explosion should have been impossible .
9 ‘ Two Dr Naylors would have been impossible . ’
10 These variations would have been impossible to rectify without buying expensive new printing machines , unthinkable , as home furnishings were still at an experimental stage in England .
11 There were by then ‘ splendid edifices ’ in London , Oxford , Cambridge , Manchester and Glasgow , and to retain researchers at the RI would have been impossible without new accommodation for their research .
12 Dr Myra Ramos , the associate dean of educational services , thinks that the sudden explosion of the new pathway would have been impossible if Tosteson had been too cautious in his original plans .
13 If the heaving had continued , if there had been continuous restless movement , existence inside the train would have been impossible .
14 The huge growth of its towns and cities would have been impossible without the medical advances of these years and the action by governments , singly and in concert , which supplied new health and welfare services , and imposed new standards of health , sanitation and accommodation .
15 So West Indies won by an innings and 156 runs ; yet had England managed to hold on for just another three or four minutes they would have got a draw , for the heavens opened and further play would have been impossible .
16 It seems most unlikely that the testator had any intention of this sort ; and it is pointless to assert that such a decision would have been impossible in a legacy , since the whole context — a disposition charged on a non-heir — is one in which a legacy could not have functioned .
17 And there had been so much coverage , a retrial would have been impossible .
18 Indeed , as Shepherd points out , the developments that took place in post-Renaissance Western music would have been impossible without music notation , with its propensity for large-scale , visually organized construction , abstraction of symbol from sound , co-ordination of multiple events and voices ( through bar-lines , for instance ) , and ‘ spatialized ’ chord structures and progressions .
19 In the single market of next year , these neat divisions would have been impossible to maintain .
20 Practice shots would have been impossible , but with Open traffic at crawling pace , it was never on .
21 Fritz Moeri , one of five people charged in the trial of company officials which began on 18 April , has told New Scientist that the disaster would have been impossible if the system he built in 1970 had not been modified and if ‘ fashionable ’ exhaust valves had not been added at the insistence of company management .
22 From the middle schools , because of the limited size of the initial sample , thirty non-respondents would have been impossible to obtain .
23 Essentially he held to the line taken by the Ministry of Health in the 1930s : the school medical service was primarily educational , and had never been designed as a complete child health service , nor as an agency to relieve poverty as such — indeed , it operated within strict terms of reference set down by Parliament ; systematic medical inspection of evacuees would have been impossible in the conditions of panic and devastation forecast by all civil defence planners before the war ; many of the evacuees ' problems , such as bed-wetting , had cleared up quickly .
24 Without this progress , understanding the existing drugs and inventing new ones would have been impossible .
25 Shill 's suggestion that his wife committed suicide was dashed by the evidence of Dr Norris , who insisted that most of the head injuries would have been impossible to achieve by someone attempting suicide and that , in the annals of crime , he had yet to hear of a case where a person attempted suicide by bashing his head with a flat iron .
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