Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] actually [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Captain Rhodes ( Joseph Pilato ) and crazy scientists appear in this version , but it was too huge and ambitious , even with cuts , so it was replaced by the final script as actually used in the film .
2 In the 1983 election , more electors thought the Conservatives had the better policies than actually voted for the party .
3 The object has always had the ability to proclaim one technological origin while actually deriving from another .
4 During that time the pleasures of furtiveness were open to all concerned , and to these was added the satisfaction of hard physical work and the stimulus of a mild sense of danger while actually working under the earth .
5 These emphases , particularly as brought out in the typical case histories in a host of texts , revealed , we may suggest , the fear of masturbation as actually fixed in the minds of middle-class parents , disturbed by their sons ' unwillingness to live by the respectable sexual ideology , and attend to their duties and to future marriage .
6 These scenes , in which Chas ' burgeoning sexuality is alluded to , appear in the same context as his obvious distaste when actually faced with the prospect of kissing , ‘ Eeurk ! ’ or his hair being touched by a girl : ‘ Chas felt his hair suddenly prickle , as if it was full of nits ’ .
7 Although in chapter 6 an attempt was made to investigate the nature of the artefact per se , even a cursory examination of artefacts as actually employed within different societies reveals the extreme diversity of uses and connotations among physically similar forms .
8 Such was the ferment of the times throughout Europe , and such was the rising volume of political controversy within Britain ( bear in mind also the Suffragette agitation and the conflict over the future of Ireland ) , that a more dramatic tipping of the balance than actually occurred in the next few years might have been expected .
9 The evidence they yield does not just quantify the token occurrence of existing category types , for the most part derived from intuition , but also suggests that the types themselves stand in need of revision so that the language as abstractly conceived by the linguist is brought into closer correspondence with the language as actually realized by the user .
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