Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] be reduced to " in BNC.

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1 The original legislation passed in 1985 stipulated that the deficit must be reduced to $36bn in the 1990 fiscal year which began on 1 October .
2 There are increasing demands that the central institutions of the EEC should be reduced to a minimal role , that Member States should be allowed to integrate only so far as they wish , and that it should be possible for a country to remain within a European free-trade zone , but outside a politically united federation — as Norway , Iceland and the other Efta states have done since the establishment of the EEA .
3 On the economic side , there is no doubt that price support must be reduced to nearer world levels .
4 ( 4.7 ) unc The sequential composition of a pair of assignments to different lists of variables may be reduced to a single assignment using this law with 3.2 and 3.3 .
5 Unreliable , complex intuitions must be reduced to reliable , simple ones .
6 I am satisfied on all the evidence that the promise here was that the ground rent should be reduced to £1,250 a year as a temporary expedient while the block of flats was not fully , or substantially fully let , owing to the conditions prevailing .
7 In view of the substantial sums of money involved , risks must be reduced to the absolute minimum .
8 So therefore our contention that the figure should be reduced to a hundred and two hectares .
9 Before any sale , the Department of Energy would want to remove any loss-making capacity , but all parties were shocked by a government-commissioned report from merchant bank NM Rothschild , which was widely leaked , forecasting that the industry could be reduced to 12 deep pits over the next three years .
10 In order to harmonize value added tax rates within the EC , VAT on items such as flowers , building land and artworks was increased ( a move expected to raise an extra F2,000 million in revenue in the second half of 1991 ) ; VAT on cars would be reduced to 18.6 per cent from Jan. 1 , 1993 .
11 If the proposal is accepted , it would mark the end of the Ronson empire , whose 100% stake in Heron would be reduced to 5% .
12 Which means my overseas trips will be reduced to two or three a year .
13 These , together with marksheets and LEA reports , are produced on a turnround basis ; specific computer files are created at the point of printing the forms so that subsequent data entry can be reduced to a minimum of keystrokes .
14 Similarly , old cars can be reduced to they , and crash violently to disappeared ( the sentence as a whole is not reducible ) .
15 Not only will it alter but the spectrum might be reduced to one ; a court could say that although hypothetically varying interpretations of a term are possible , they are convinced that their view is the correct one .
16 Both the Model Penal Code test and the Scots test may be reduced to circularity , however , for when one asks how extreme or how wicked the recklessness should be , the only possible answer is : ‘ wicked or extreme enough to justify the stigma of a murder conviction ’ .
17 Toxic emissions from a huge nickel-smelting plant in the far north of Russia may be reduced to a negligible amount if cleanup proposals from a Scandinavian group of companies are accepted by the plant 's owner .
18 Capital grants for drainage under both AHDS and AHGS schemes in the LFA should be reduced to 30% of costs in the proposed ‘ mountain zone ’ and ‘ intermediate zone , , and to 22 ½%; of costs ( the level outside the LFA ) in the ‘ marginal zone ’ in order to reduce incentives to drain upland wetlands and species-rich wet pastures/meadows .
19 The opposition Civic Forum earlier described the talks as constructive , amid growing opposition optimism that the Communists would be reduced to a minority in the new government .
20 The outcome of the talks remained unclear but leading figures in the opposition Civic Forum were optimistic that the Communists will be reduced to a minority in the new coalition government .
21 The work will take place in stages and for the proposed South Africa international in November 1992 , Baa-Baas v Australia and the Varsity match the ground capacity will be reduced to 44,000 .
22 If a passage can be reduced to a set of elementary propositions of the kind approximately represented in [ 9 ] , can we not regard this as the neutral , " styleless " version against which all other paraphrases , such as [ 8 ] , are stylistically marked in varying degrees ?
23 Given these ideas about ideology , Marxists argue that morality can be reduced to the conscious articulation of class interests , the unconscious acceptance of hegemonic power , or the consequence of structurally generated false consciousness .
24 Overall , however , a good number of your executables can be reduced to as much as half their original size .
25 Commenting on Melby 's ‘ pessimistic but valuable appraisal ’ the US Minister at Saigon ( Heath ) felt it necessary to balance it with local French military opinion that , barring Chinese intervention or a massive increase in their aid to the Vietminh , guerrilla and terrorist activities could be reduced to a policing problem within two years .
26 It was originally suggested that the establishment might be reduced to as low as 50,000 to 55,000 .
27 When his physical rehabilitation could be reduced to a maintenance level of about one session per fortnight , he started to attend the City University where the City Dysphasic Group organized special programmes in communication skills for adults who had suffered head injuries or strokes .
28 An 8.4% stake in Hachette held by a Panamanian registered company linked to Iraqi interests allegedly acting for Saddam Hussein will be reduced to 1.8% as a result of the merger .
29 If in subsequent years we renew this overdraft , the fee will be reduced to ½%.;
30 Staff at the brewery are bitter that a profitable business can be reduced to penury by the financial crisis in its parent group .
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