Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] be difficult for " in BNC.

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1 Even where the bureau is nearby , the generally short daytime opening hours may be difficult for people who are working or are at school or college .
2 He did say that he thought the future might be difficult for us .
3 In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph at the end of his second year as Archbishop , Dr George Carey said the next 12 months would be difficult for the Church as it focused on the ordination of women to the priesthood .
4 Hearing loss can be difficult for speaker and listener .
5 The set of retroflex consonants in Tamil will also require special drilling for the English speaker , and the dental consonants will be difficult for him to hear as being different from his own alveolar consonants .
6 To abide by the refusal may be difficult for the doctor ; but it is required by law , the principle of self-determination overruling any notion that ‘ the doctor knows best ’ or some vague notion of there being a public policy in favour of preserving life .
7 Social workers ' tendency to co-opt her into the professional team will be difficult for her to handle .
8 The idea of APR will be difficult for people to grasp .
9 Things might be difficult for a while but I did n't envisage any radical changes .
10 What all this suggests is that people themselves may anticipate that a particular type of credit would be difficult for them to arrange , and therefore simply do not apply for it .
11 To marry such a damaged person would be difficult for anyone .
12 ‘ Sending his mortgage money every month must be difficult for him ! ’
13 Accepting that such an economic strategy would be difficult for Britain to sustain in isolation , he looked to the consolidation of the British Empire as a ‘ bloc against capitalism ’ , working , perhaps , in co-operation with the Soviet Union .
14 What it provides — with many qualifications — is an outline of one aspect of development and an awareness that , at certain stages , certain types of writing will be difficult for children because of limitations in the range of syntactic features they can deploy .
15 Dr Lomax considered that the published convergence criteria for countries to enter stage three of EMU will be difficult for all countries to meet .
16 As the process of copying the shape of a letter can be difficult for some visually handicapped pupils when they begin to learn writing , there will need to be close one-to-one demonstration , or demonstration on a closed circuit television .
17 Too much of some vitamins ( notably A and D ) can prove toxic : excess vitamin A or D can be difficult for the body to eliminate and therefore can act as a poison .
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